Robb Stark X Reader - (New Girl)

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"You're new, aren't you?" The Lord asked, a curious look on his handsome face.

He was indeed handsome, his dark hair and brows made his eyes shine in contrast. He was shorter than you, only just, and very well built. He seemed much more... Strong and true than any man you had ever met before.

"Y-yes My Lord." You reply, as you bow your head. You needed to get the pies from the oven before they burn, but you knew it would be rude to break away from the conversation with Lord Robb.

"Where are you from? I haven't seen you in Winter Town." He inquired.

"I am from King's Landing, My Lord. I used to work in the Red Keep until... Until it was no longer safe." You kept your eyes fixed down on the ground, not wishing to show the pain in your eyes.

"No longer safe?" The Young Wolf asked.
Your words came out softly, a few small tears falling from your eyes.
"I am a bastard of King Robert. The Queen found out about my working in the kitchens in the Keep and... She had a price put on mine and my mother's heads. I managed to get away, my mother was not so lucky."

You took some deep breaths to slow your heart rate and the tear flow, just like your mother taught you. Often your emotions would get the best of you, much to your embarrassment. That couldn't happen now. With one final sniffle, you move your head up, wipe your eyes and face ahead.

"I thought you seemed too well spoken to be a maid." Robb said. Placing a large hand on your shoulder he continued "You will be safe here. Any problems, you come to me. Okay?"

You look into his deep blue eyes and felt comforted. Smiling, you thank him before the Chef comes in and berates you for burning the pies, sending Lord Robb running and silently laughing.

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