You Have A Nightmare

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"(Y/n)?" Sayori worriedly called out, shaking me awake. 

"Y-Yeah?" I sleepily replied.

"You kept tossing and turning." Sayori worriedly explained. 

"Oh...I just had this weird dream...That Monika had deleted you.."

"Deleted me?"

"Yeah, just out of existence and I couldn't do anything...I-I don't know...I just f-felt s-so sad without you." 

Sayori smiled as she wrapped her arms around me, "You're too cute sometimes. I'm never going to leave you, we've been by each other's side forever and that won't change. Plus, it was very clearly a dream, no one could just delete somebody." 

"You're right." I agreed, giving Sayori a quick kiss on the cheek. 

Monika gently shook me awake, "(Y/n), I think you had a nightmare."

"H-Huh? Mon?" I sleepily called out for Monika. 

"I'm right here, baby, I woke you up because you looked like you were having a nightmare."

I nodded, "Thank you, Mon." 

She gently pulled me against her, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really.."

"That's okay. Just think about me. Just Monika." She calmly said. 

"I would love to dream about you." I half jokingly replied. 

"I'll make that happen." Monika whispered to herself. 

"Can we stay up and talk for a bit? I'm not really ready to sleep yet."

"Of course, (Y/n)!" Monika happily said. 


"What?" She sleepily replied, rubbing her eyes, "Why would you wake me up?!" She angrily asked. 

"I-I had a n-nightmare.." I nervously responded, clearly embarrassed. 

She loudly sighed and turned away from me, "I'm tired." 

"Natsuki, please.."

She turned back around to face me, "Okay, what was the nightmare about?"

"I-I...I had a nightmare that w-we broke up..." I stuttered out, even more embarrassed. 

Natsuki's face turned bright red as she lightly punched me in the shoulder, "Don't say stuff like that! It's embarrassing." Natsuki mumbled. 

"But, Natsuki, I was really scared!" 

Natsuki's face turned an even deeper shade of red, "Go back to sleep!" 

I turned on my side to go to sleep and Natsuki tapped me, "What do you think you're doing?"

I turned back around to face her, clearly confused, "Going back to sleep...?" I replied. 

Natsuki grabbed my arm and put it over her waist, "I-I don't want you to cuddle me or a-anything, okay?! I just thought you'd f-feel better if you did."

I grinned as Natsuki blushed, looking away from me, "It does make me feel better."

"S-Shut u-up!" 

Yuri nervously shook me awake, "(Y-Y/n)?" She shyly called out for me. 

"Y-Yuri..? Thank you for waking me up...I was so scared!" 

"What's wrong?"

"I had this really scary dream where I was getting chased by this like monster thing and it tried to kill me and I just couldn't wake up!"

"That sounds kind of cool."

"Yuri, I was really scared!!" 

"I-I'm sorry, (Y/n)." Yuri pulled me closer to her and softly ran her fingers through my hair to calm me down and I rested my head on her chest, "Tell me more about the monster." 


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