She Helps You Study

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guys, before u comment, i get it if ur rly good at some of these subjects and that this would never happen to u

Sayori (Science)
"(Y/n)!" Sayori happily called out, "Whatcha workin' on?" She leaned over the desk. 

"The science homework." I grumbled. 

"What's wrong?" Sayori asked as she pulled up a chair next to me. 

"I don't understand." I said under my breath, frowning.

"Oh, (Y/n), there's nothing to worry about. I'm right here!" Sayori smiled, taking the worksheet from me and looking at it, "My teacher just went over this yesterday, so I'm sure I'll be able to explain it to you!" 

"Thank you so much, Sayori!" I hugged her, I was so happy that she could explain it to me and I could tell that Sayori was happy to help.

"Anything for my very pretty girlfriend!" When Sayori said this, Natsuki glanced over and fake gagged...

"Thank you, Sayori."

"Why don't you come over later? It'll probably be hard to focus with..." Sayori looked over at Natsuki, "...some distractions."

"I didn't do anything!" Natsuki huffed. 

"I can't wait." I said and Sayori kissed my cheek. 

It was easy to study with Sayori. She didn't make me feel dumb, she was patient, and she was understanding. She was everything I could've ever wanted. Honestly, I think I might pretend to be bad at every subject because she's just so caring and sweet when she teaches me things and explains things to me.

Monika (English)
"How did you fail an English test?" Sayori asked, somewhat amazed. 

"You're dating the president of the literature club!" Natsuki scolded, crossing her arms.

"I don't know! It's hard to focus, Monika sits right in front of me!"

Monika walked up to the three of us, grinning, "I get it, I constantly wanna turn around and stare at you too!" I blushed as Monika smirked, pulling up a chair next to me, "Now, there's an English quiz next week, so let me help you. You two, go away." Monika playfully shooed Natsuki and Sayori away before turning her attention towards me again, "How about..." Monika's hand made it's way to my face, caressing it, " come over later and I can help you study?"

My face got even redder, "T-That would be amazing! I'm lucky that my girlfriend's a straight A student." 

Monika smiled, "You flatter me."

Monika POV
I want (Y/n) to come over and spend time with me, not study! Ugh.

"I'll be right back, (Y/n)." I kissed her goodbye and made my way to my locker. 

If I just rewrite the code a bit, (Y/n) will pass her test and I will get a night with my (Y/n)!

Natsuki (History)
"Natsuki, I'm sorry, but you can't come over today. I'm staying after school with Yuri to study."

Natsuki was quick to shoot Yuri a not-so-subtle glare, "I'll stay after school to help you!" Natsuki happily announced.

"Natsuki, you're failing like half of your classe--"

"SHUT UP! I'll help you." Natsuki proudly announced, "Not this emo, obsessive--"

"Natsuki!" I scolded and Natsuki just grinned at me. 

When the school day ended, I made my way to the club room where Natsuki was sitting, with a pile of textbooks out. Yuri looked through the books in the closet, occasionally glancing over at us.

"Okay, where to startttt?" Natsuki said aloud, flipping open the first page of the textbook where Yuri's name was very clearly written. Natsuki's face turned red and she flipped the next page, "Before you say anything, these are my textbooks!"


"So, you need to study for your history test tomorrow?"

"Yes, that's right."

"So, let's start off with the Renaissance, 1420-1650."

"1450-1650." Yuri corrected from the closet. This occurred for the entire study session; Natsuki would say something completely wrong, Yuri would correct her, and Natsuki would pretend that she never said the wrong answer. 

Eventually, we managed to get through the whole chapter and Yuri suddenly found that book she was looking for in the closet. 

"Thank you, Natsuki, I'm sure I'm gonna get an A on that test now! Do you wanna go get something to eat?" Natsuki happily nodded.

I did not pass that test; turns out I could only remembered all the wrong stuff that Natsuki told me.

Yuri (Math)
"(Y/n), I was looking at your math homework and...a lot of this is..." Yuri spoke in almost a whisper, clearly a little worried, "well, wrong..." Yuri shyly said, clearly trying not to hurt my feelings. 

"Yeah," I nervously responded, "I've been having a lot of trouble with this lesson." 

Yuri frowned, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was...embarrassed." I admitted. 

Yuri put her hand on top of mine, causing her face to turn bright red, "T-There's no need to be embarrassed. I like getting to h-help you. You always help me out." Yuri stuttered out, shyly glancing at our hands touching.

"Really?" I happily exclaimed, "Can you please," I grabbed Yuri's hands to emphasize my plea, "Please, please, please help me study!"

Yuri's face was now completely red and she became a stuttering mess, unable to speak clearly. She simply nodded and when I let go of her hands, she covered her red face.

I grinned, moving Yuri's hands aside so I could give her a kiss on the cheek, "I'm lucky I'm dating someone so smart!"

"(Y-Y/n)..." Yuri was blushing so much and couldn't even look at me without her face turning an even darker shade of red. After a few minutes, Yuri pulled out a notebook and began to write the first problem down. She began to explain to me how to do the problem, but it was hard to pay attention. She was so focused and seemed so excited to teach me and she looked so pretty, I couldn't help but stare at her, "(Y-Y/n), f-f-focus!"


also, two ppl did a slightly nsfw rp in the comments of my other story --- please, do not do that LOL

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