First Kiss

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"You two haven't kissed yet?" Monika questioned, a shocked look on her face.

"N-No! (Y/n)'s...really respectful.."

"I don't just seems off."

Sayori thought about it for a moment before agreeing.

"Sayori, are you ready to walk home together?" I asked, grabbing her backpack and handing it to her.

"Y-Yes!" I reached out for Sayori's hand but she didn't grab it. She walked past me and I followed her.

"Is something wrong Sayori?" I asked halfway through our walk.

Sayori stopped walking and turned to look at me, "Do you not like me?"

My eyes went wide, I was shocked, "Of course I like you, Sayori!"

"Then, why haven't we kissed?"

I felt my face heat up, "I-I...I thought y-you didn't want to..." I explained.

Sayori's tone softened, "I..I want to.."

Sayori reached out and grabbed my hand as I took a step closer to her. My hand rested gently against the side of her face while my other hand rested on her waist. I felt nervous.

Sayori smiled at me before kissing me.

Monika kept glancing at me during the meeting while I read. It felt like her eyes never left me.

I looked up once again and Monika gestured to the club room door that leads to the hallways.

"I have to go get something." Monika announced, standing up and walking towards the door, "Can I have some help, (Y/n)?"

I set my book down and followed her out, "What do you need help with?" I asked as the club room door closed behind me.

Monika, ignoring what I said, turned to face me, "You're so cute." She complimented, "Especially when you're so focused."

"Mon!" I felt myself blush as she continued to compliment me.

Monika took a step towards me, basically trapping me against the lockers. Her hand gently caressed my face, her thumb tracing my bottom lip, "I'm so happy we're together."

"I a-am too."

"I've been waiting so long to do this." Monika scanned my face one last time before closing her eyes, kissing me.

I walked Natsuki to her house after our first date.

"Goodbye, Natsuki, I had a lot of fun today." I said smiling.

"You're leaving right now?"

"Yeah, it's the end of our date, at least I thought."

"Oh...y-yeah..bye, (Y/n).." I waved goodbye and started to walk towards the sidewalk. I heard Natsuki loudly sigh, "Can you come back here?"

"Sure, what's up?" I questioned, making my way back towards Natsuki's front door.

Natsuki sighed again, her face turning red, "You're supposed to kiss me at the end of the date, you idiot!" Natsuki huffed, the blush on her face getting darker.

"O-Oh, I'm so sorry, Natsuki, I was w-worried I was moving too fa-"

Natsuki was quick to cut me off, "-Just kiss me, you dolt."

I nodded, quickly shutting up and leaning down to kiss the shorter girl. My face was equally as red as hers.

"Now you can go." Natsuki said as she opened her front door and shut it in my face.

"Yuri, I'm scared!" I hid my face in her shoulder as another jumpscare appeared on screen.

"This is the best thing I've ever watched!" Yuri said, her eyes fixated on the tv.

I held onto Yuri's arm and she turned to look at me, realization setting in. Yuri's face turned crimson after noticing me holding onto her.


"Sorry, Yuri." I quickly apologized, pulling away from her, "It's just...sometimes your movies can be a little...too scary for me.." I explained.

"I-It's fine. I can change it t-to something less frightening.." Yuri said, grabbing the remote.

"It's okay! I have you here after all."

I didn't think Yuri's face could get any redder but it did. Yuri's purple eyes locked with mine, "C-Can I kiss you?" Yuri asked, her eyes quickly glancing down at my lips before meeting my gaze once again.

I nodded my head as the taller girl cupped my face with her hands and kissed me.

God, she was such a good kisser.

"Y-Yuri!" I pulled away, out of breath, "I breath.." I said in between gasps.

Yuri lightly laughed, the blush never leaving her face, "I-Is your b-break over?" I nodded and Yuri brought me into another kiss.

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