How You Two Sleep/Cuddle

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Sayori really enjoyed cuddling along with stealing all of the blankets she could manage. It was typical for you to wake up with Sayori either entirely on top of you or for Sayori to have her legs tangled with yours or for her arms to be wrapped around you.

"Sayori." I called for my girlfriend in an attempt to wake her up, but it was no use. Sayori laid entirely on top of me as she snored.

"Shhh." She sleepily shushed me. I sighed and rolled over in an attempt to get her off, but she clung to my side and moved closer to reclaim her lost distance.

"Sayori!" I whined, but didn't make any more moves. I might as well enjoy her warmth.

You were always the little spoon, it was a way for Monika to protect you if she had her arms wrapped around you and your back was pressed against her front. She would never let anything happen to you and this is just another way to ensure that.

"(Y/n), c'mon." Monika patted the spot in bed next to her as she set her book down on her nightstand, turning off the light. I got into bed next to her and immediately a set of arms wrapped around me and pulled me into Monika's warm and protective embrace. She placed a soft kiss on the back of my neck before closing her eyes, this small action causing me to get very flustered though.

Natsuki would protest against your attempts to get close to her, sometimes forcing you to sleep on the floor or the couch, but she secretly loved your hugs and cuddles. But, she would never let you know that. Although, she could never fall asleep without you eventually, unconsciously, cuddling her while she cuddled one of her stuffed toys/animals.

"Natsuki, please!" I begged, my arms encircling her waist.

"Nope, (Y/n)!" Natsuki replied, moving to the edge of the bed to sleep. I groaned and gave up, going to sleep. Later that night, I felt Natsuki roll closer to me and my arm draped over her body and, instinctively, pulled her closer to me.

Yuri did enjoy cuddling with you, but being in her crush's room or her crush being in her room did cause her to get flustered and it took her way long to sleep then normal, especially with the both of you pressed against each other causing her entire face to go red.

"Yuri, come closer." I pouted causing Yuri to smile at the cute gesture.

Yuri nodded and moved closer to me, our bodies pressed against each other as our legs were tangled together and our arms wrapped around one another. My head rested on her chest and I began to sleep. Yuri stares at me, a smile forming on her face, but her heart beat picked up very quickly and her face flushed red as she stared at her sleeping girlfriend.

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