How They Confess

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"(Y/n)!" Sayori called me over as I walked out of my house.

"Hey, Sayori." I ran up to her and slung my backpack over my shoulder. Sayori linked her arms with mine, "You sure are cheerful today."

"Of course! I can't wait to hangout with you later." Sayori replied with a smile on her face.

"I can't wait either, I have so much planned for us to do! I even bought your favorite movie!"

"This is why I like you so much."

"I like you too." I replied, a faint blush making its way onto my cheeks.

Sayori sighed, "No, I...I like you..." Sayori repeated, trying to get her point across.

"Well...I like you too." I said, emphasizing the word 'like' just like Sayori did.

Her face lit up as she hugged me, "Really!?"

"Of course, Sayori! I've liked you for years now." I answered with a light chuckle.

"Sure, I'll read with you, Yuri." Yuri had cut me off on my way to Monika and requested that I read with her. I felt guilty saying no so I sat down next to her and began to read. I kept glancing up at Monika during it. Eventually, Yuri and I finished the chapter and she closed the book. She thanked me and I shot her a small smile. I looked around the room for Monika and couldn't find her, "Hey, Sayori, do you know where Monika is?" I asked.

Sayori smiled and pointed at the clubroom door, "She's in the hall. She told all of us to not go after her." I nodded and went into the hall. Monika sat against one of the walls, her head in her hands as I heard her cry.

I sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her as I whispered, "Hey, Mon, what's wrong?"

Monika looked up at me, wiping the tears from her eyes as she began to vent, "Why is it never me?" She mumbled.

"What do you mean, Mon?"

"You! Why do you like Yuri so much? Why do you always read with her? Hangout with Sayori? And help out Natsuki? Why don't you care about me?"

"Monika..." I shook my head, sighing, "I care about you so, so much. Maybe even more than I care about them. I'm sorry you feel this way but just know that it's not true."

"I wish you would like me, (Y/n), because...I like you so much. I always have and I was so happy when you joined the club because I would get to know you better and hangout with you and day you would return my feelings."

My eyes widened, "Monika, I like you so much. I have the biggest crush on you! I'm failing English and yet I joined this club, doesn't that tell you anything? I thought you knew!"

"You like me too..?"

"Yes! So, so much!"

"Natsuki...why are you here?" I asked after leaving my house.

"I-I thought you n-n-needed someone to walk with..." Natsuki stuttered out.

I immediately smiled, "Thanks!" I walked up to her. Most of the walk to school was quiet, I could tell Natsuki wanted to say something but she couldn't, "Natsuki, are you alright..?"

Natsuki sighed and without answering my question, she asked another — very bluntly, may I add, "Are you into girls?" Natsuki questioned.

My eyes went wide as my face flushed red, "Um...y-yes.."

Natsuki gained some confidence as she grabbed my hand and I turned to look at her and she leaned up, planting a gentle kiss on my lips before pulling away. My face became entirely red as Natsuki said, "Well, I like girls too. More specifically, you."

"Time to share poems!" Monika announced to the club and everyone took out the journals with their poems in hand as Yuri approached me.

"Wanna swap poems?" Yuri questioned and I nodded. Handing her my poem as she handed me hers.

"Is this one going to make me cry?" I teasingly asked and Yuri shook her head, a faint blush on her cheeks.

After I read the poem, I was crying. It was absolutely beautiful and whoever Yuri felt this way towards was so, so lucky. Yuri looked up at me, "Why are you crying?"

"This is the best thing I've ever read! If you don't mind me asking, who is this about, Yuri?"

Yuri's face flushed red as she played with the tips of her hair as she responded, "You." She mumbled.

"R-Really!?" I excitedly asked and Yuri shyly nodded and I immediately brought her into a tight hug, "This is the best news I've ever gotten!" Yuri hesitantly returned the hug, a small smile on her face as her face became even more red.

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