First Date

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"(Y/n)!" Sayori excitedly exclaimed after seeing me, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Hey, Sayori!"

"Ready for our date?" Sayori linked her arm with mine.

"Yes, I'd be more ready if I knew where we were going." I lightly teased.

"Hush! You'll see."


"This is the park we went to as kids." I pointed out and Sayori nodded.

"Well, can you guess why I have this backpack on?"


Sayori giggled, "No, I didn't want to be too obvious, so I put all my picnic supplies into here!"

"Ohh, I love picnics...especially if I'm having one with you."

Sayori blushed, "I feel the same way!" Sayori laid out the blanket for the two of us to sit on, "I made everything in here except for some cake that I got from your favorite bakery!"

"The bakery with that really good (flavor) cake."


"I remember when you got me it from my birthday, it was so good." I excitedly said.

"Anything for you."

"Monika, a book fair, really?"

Monika rolled her eyes, "I promise it will be fun."

"Interesting idea for a first date."

"I needed to get some new books for the club!"

"Oh, the truth comes out." I teased.

"I also wanted to go on a date with you too! It's a win-win in my opinion. Plus, you're favorite author is signing books there, I thought it would be a nice gift for you."

"I have to remind you that I did join a poetry club because of the cute girl running it, not because of the books."

Monika blushed, "You still love SmexyOver9000's books!"

"You're right."

"Admit this is a good idea for a date."

"Fineeee," I sighed, exaggerating the word, "Any date with you is good."

"You're so dorky, you're lucky you're cute. Now, help me pick out some books that Natsuki would like."

"How about we start off with what kind of books you want? That way, you can read them to me when we get back to your house."

"I actually really like that idea."

"A date? Why would I want to go on a date with you?" Natsuki turned away from me, clearly trying to hide her bright red face.

"Natsuki, that's what couples do!"

"C-Couples.." Natsuki repeated, her face becoming even more red.

"Aw, Natsuki, you're so cute!"

"S-Shut up!"

"Want to go to that arcade down the block?"

"An arcade?" Natsuki's eyes lit up, "That sounds awesome."

Time Skip

"Natsuki, you need to turn and dodge the cars, you can't just ram right into them!"

"Hush, I'm good at this game!"

"Sureee." Natsuki looked over at me and playfully punched my shoulder.

"More quarters." She demanded, wanting to give the game another try.

"A date?" The taller girl blushed, looking away.

"Yes! want to go on one with me.."

"Y-Yes, I w-want to!" Yuri excitedly exclaimed.

"That's great! We can go watch a movie and then get something to eat." Yuri nodded in agreement.


"A horror movie?" I questioned as Yuri bought our tickets.

"My favorite genre."

Yuri and I sat down in the theater and she couldn't take her eyes off the scream. Honestly, I was hoping for something more romantic but it made me happy to see Yuri enjoy something so much.

I got scared partway through the movie and Yuri was quick to grab my hand before getting embarrassed and realizing how "forward" she was, as she put it. Although, I wouldn't consider hand holding very forward.


"Wasn't that amazing?" Yuri was smiling as we walked out of the movie theater.

"Yeah, it was so scary though."

"I know!" Yuri happily exclaimed, "U-Um...since we went t-t-to a m-movie I like...we should g-go to you (favorite restaurant)."

"That's my favorite restaurant! I can't believe you remembered that." I felt my face turn red and could tell that Yuri was also blushing.

"I l-like you a, I r-remember a l-lot of things a-about you..."

"Aw, Yuri!" I grabbed her hand as we walked to the restaurant and Yuri was so nervous that she couldn't even look at me.


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