She Realizes She Has Feelings For You

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short chapter with lots of fluff

"You two act like a married couple." Monika joked as she looked at Sayori and I. 

"We kind of are one." I responded causing Sayori to blush, "That reminds me of when we were younger and we used to play house. You were the mom and I was the dad." Sayori's face turned even redder as she smiled, "You would always beg me to be your spouse."

"(Y-Y/n)!" Sayori lightly scolded as she laughed. 

"I bet Sayori would beg you to be her spouse right now." Natsuki said causing Monika and her to laugh. 

Sayori sunk down in her seat, clearly embarrassed, "I don't think I'd mind that." I responded causing Sayori's eyes to go wide with shock. 

"This our new student, (Y/n) (L/n)." 

'She's not in the code.' Monika thought as she stared at the new girl. 'She's so pretty and that smile is...-- She's sitting next to me!'

Once I sat down, this girl with a bow who sat next to me shouted, "Join the literature club!" 

'That...was not very smooth' Monika thought, nervously glancing over at me. 

"Sure, I guess I can join." I responded with a smile. 


"Despite having to be the wingman in every one of these chapters...I've still managed to realize my feelings for you." 

I took off my headphones and looked over at Monika, I hadn't even realized she was talking to me, "Did you say something?" 

Monika looked at me fondly as she shook her head, "Nope."

"Yuri, don't flip the page yet! I'm trying to read." 

"S-Sorry, (Y/n)."

"This cannot seriously be happening." Natsuki mumbled to herself as she looked at me.

"What do you mean?" Monika asked, glancing at Natsuki. 

Natsuki's face immediately turned red, "I think I like that idiot."

"Me too --- I mean, that's surprising!" 

"And that idiot is talking to that edgy big-chested bi--" 

Natsuki was cut off by Monika laughing, "If you like her so much, then go talk to her!"

Natsuki shook her head, "She should be coming over here to talk to me!"

"You're hopeless." 

"Natsuki, don't say that! Horror is such an interesting genre that develops it's plot through--"

"It's gross!" The shorter girl stomped her foot, not knowing how else to argue.

"I love the a-adrenaline rush that horror movies give me. I feel like no one understands why I love it so much." Yuri said, joining in on the conversation. Her comment earned an eye roll from Natsuki who retreated to the back of the club room to read some manga. 

"We should see a movie together sometime. That new psycho-thriller movie is coming out in a couple days, we should go together." 

A light blush dusted Yuri's face, "I-I would love that." 

"Oh, that reminds me! Monika told me about your poems and said I might like them." 

"Y-You wanna read my p-poems?" Yuri happily asked. Most people in the literature club did not love Yuri's poems, even though they're extremely well written. 

"Of course!" 

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