She Comforts You After You Get Bullied

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"Is (Y/n) home?"

My mom nodded, "Upstairs."

"Thank you!" Sayori rushed upstairs, "(Y/n)?" She gently called out, "You didn't come to the club meeting today, I wanted to know if you were okay." Sayori opened the door.

I felt embarrassed and ashamed, I sat on my bed crying.

"Thank god there's no rope." Sayori mumbled, "What happened?"

I handed Sayori my phone, "Yuto."

(i picked a random name)

Sayori unlocked my phone and looked for the contact under that name. She scrolled for the texts for a few seconds before turning to look at me, "These texts..this guy has been..harassing you for months it seems like!" Sayori moved closer to me, "Oh, (Y/n), why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I was embarrassed.."

Sayori wrapped her arms around me, tightly hugging me, "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. (Y/n), I wish you would've told me. Oh, (Y/n), it's okay." Sayori gently rocked me in her arms, "It's okay." She softly repeated, "We're in this together, love, I won't let him say that kind of stuff to you anymore, I promise."

"Why are you crying?!" Monika frantically asked, rushing to my side.


"Where is he?" Monika looked around, "What did he do?" Monika's words were threatening but her tone was calm.

"I-I don't know w-where he went."

"What did he do?" Monika asked again, grabbing my face with her hands and examining it for any cuts or bruises.

"Monika, I-I'm okay. Yuto just...didn't a-agree with us being together...two women."

Monika's anger began to show, "Baby, are you alright? Do you want me to say something to him? Did he hit you?"

"I'm okay, Mon, now that you're here. I want you here with me right now, don't go chase after that idiot."

Monika nodded, "Of course, anything for you. I'll stay here with you as long as you need." Monika gently caressed my face, "I love you." She softly whispered. Her anger faded, there was a loving look in her eyes as she stared at me.

"I love you too, thank you, Mon."

"(Y/n)?" Natsuki questioned, attempting to open the closet door in the club room, "She locked it." Natsuki said to one of the other members. Natsuki sighed, "If you don't unlock the door, Monika's going to pick the lock." Natsuki sighed even louder, "Just open the door!"

The handle of the door jiggled slightly as she turned it. All of a sudden, it opened.

"Thank you, Monika." Natsuki closed the closet door behind her and turned to look at me. I sat on the ground, crying. It took Natsuki to realize, "W-Why are you crying?" She questioned, taking a seat next to me.

"It's nothing, Natsuki.."

"Just tell me, don't be an idiot."

"This..this guy just said some stuff to me...and it got to me.." I responded, trying to wipe the tears from my eyes but nothing was stopping the tears.

"And you just let him?"

"Natsuki, this isn't helping!"

She rested her head on my shoulder, "You're too strong to let some dumb guy get to you. Now, stop crying and read to me....I don't like to see you upset.." She mumbled the last part.

I nodded, grabbing a book and beginning to read.

"Did he put his hands on you?!" My normally shy girlfriend yelled.


Yuri approached the bully, she was slightly taller than him. She leaned down to his height, "I'll kill you if you put your hands on her again."

"Yuri!" I scolded.

Yuri looked him up and down and scoffed before walking over to me, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, thank you, Yuri." I cupped her face with my hands and leaned in to kiss her. Yuri's face turned bright red, "Now you're shy?" I joked before kissing Yuri.

"It's hard not to be shy...have you seen yourself?" Yuri's eyes widened as she realized what she said, "I-I mean, I think you're p-pretty..." Yuri's face turned even redder.

me writing that one of the girls kisses the reader
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