Chapter 2

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I woke up late the next day. I swore as I realised I only had fifteen minutes to get ready. I rushed around my room, grabbing deodorant and a bra. I got dressed in a pair of jeans and a graphic t-shirt. I brushed my teeth and my hair and grabbed my bag.

There was no need to say goodbye to Lizzie or Paul since they were already gone. I rushed out of the house and ran down the stairs. I beat the elevator and rushed down three streets until I found Peter waiting for me.

"Sorry! I woke up late!" I said.

The run had barely affected me. Another advantage of being in the lab explosion was that I had enhanced senses and abilities. I could run faster than the average person and had more stamina. I could see, hear, and smell better than normal humans.

"It's cool," Peter said. "I'm guessing you didn't have breakfast, then?"

I groaned.

"No," I mumbled.

Not eating on the day of a test was one of the worst things someone could do. Peter handed me a paper bag. Inside was a croissant.

"I had a feeling you'd forget breakfast," Peter said.

I smiled warmly at him.

"Thank you, Peter," I said.

Peter blushed and smiled.

"It – it's no problem," he stuttered.

I smiled at him again and we began walking to school. We chatted a bit about the test. I watched him as he walked. He usually took long strides but slowed down to match my pace. His curls bounced slightly as he walked. He usually gelled them down, but I guess he forgot today.

We got to school and met up with MJ and Ned. Ned was nervous about the test, but MJ didn't seem to care all that much. She just shrugged when I asked her if she'd studied.

First period I had English with Peter. We were working on debating. We all had to be a part of a debate team. Peter, Betty Brant, and I were in a group together. Betty was actually really nice and organised. Our debate topic was the Avengers should have signed the Sokovia Accords.

This was a massive thing going on in the world. About a year ago, the Sokovia Accords came into play. Basically, they said that the Avengers wouldn't be their own private organisation. They would operate under the supervision of the United Nations instead.

Most of the Avengers didn't want to sign. They somehow got Nick Fury to make another set of accords where he controlled what the Avengers did. The official wording was something like bringing them back into the stem of Shield, therefore making sure that they weren't their own private organisation. It worked, and now the Avengers worked under Nick Fury's supervision. They pretty much did the same as they did before.

Lunch time finally rolled around. I made Peter quiz me. There was no way I was going to fail this test. I had to pass it.

"If x equals three, and y equals seven..."

I stopped concentrating on what Peter was saying and started staring at his lips. They looked so kissable. Was it weird to look at his lips and think that? Probably. I shifted my gaze to his jawline. Big mistake. His jawline was so sharp, it could cut diamonds.

"Y/n, are you even listening?"

I looked up to see that Peter was waiting for an answer.

"Uh... sorry. I zoned out," I said sheepishly.

Peter sighed and shook his head playfully. The bell rang, saving me from any further embarrassment. All four of us walked to our math class. We entered the classroom and sat down. The teacher gave us our test papers and we began.

The questions weren't all that hard. I had studied with Peter quite a bit, despite not concentrating at all last night. I flew through the questions with ease. I double checked my answers and handed the test in.

The school day finally came to a close. Peter had the Stark internship so we couldn't walk home together. MJ walked with me instead. We walked down the streets and talked about the new book MJ was reading. We were too deep in conversation we didn't realise we had walked down a dark alleyway.

"Oi, ladies!"

MJ and I turned around to see a bulky man with a knife.

"What's in the bags?" he asked.

"Our school stuff," I said.

I glanced down at his knife.

"Give me the bags. And your phones," the mugger said.

"No, I don't think we will," I said.

MJ glanced at me.

"You got a big mouth," the man said, and lunged at me.

I became penetrable and his knife passed through my stomach, along with his hand and wrist.

"Well, this is awkward," I said.

I made my leg solid and kicked him in the face. I used my telekinesis to lift the knife in the air and made it clatter to the floor on the opposite side of the alley. The man looked up at me in fear.

"Scram," I said.

The man took no chances as he leapt up and ran.

"What the hell just happened?"

I winced as I remembered MJ was with me.

"I'll explain when we get to my place," I said.

MJ didn't argue as I pulled her along. We got to my apartment and I checked to see if Lizzie or Paul were home. Neither were, and I dragged MJ to my room.

"What the hell happened in the alley?" she asked as soon as I closed my door.

"Long story short, I have superpowers," I said.

"Yeah, no shit," MJ said.

I sighed.

"My parents were scientists. When I was seven, Shield gave them the Tesseract. They were trying to create a suit that had the ability to turn invisible, phase through things, and withstand extreme pressure," I explained.

"The perfect suit for an assassin," MJ said.

I nodded.

"Well, when they were working on it, I was in the lab with them. The Tesseract went crazy and started flaring and stuff. They put me in the suit to protect me. Somehow, the Tesseract's power went through the suit and into me. I have more abilities than what the suit was supposed to have. I can fly, teleport, move stuff with my mind, turn invisible, I have enhanced senses, and I can walk through walls and stuff," I continued.

"Holy... are you gonna be a superhero?" MJ breathed.

I exhaled deeply.

"I want to, I really do. But... it's... scary. What if I hurt someone?" I said.

MJ walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"You know, I'd trust you to save me, even without these wicked powers," she said.

I smiled at her.

"Thanks, MJ," I said.

MJ was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"Do you... do you have the suit?" she asked.

I nodded and walked to my closet. I opened the door and rummaged around the floor for the suit. I pulled out a black box and placed it on my bed. I opened it to reveal the folded suit.

"Shield gave it to me because they thought it was useless. A part of my parents to keep forever," I said.

MJ wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"I bet you'd look smoking in that suit," she said.

I smiled at the compliment.

"Thanks, MJ."

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