Chapter 12

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The day of the field trip came around. Peter, Ned, MJ, and I got the back of the bus. We spoke excitedly to one another. I noticed that Peter looked nervous, though. He would occasionally step back from the conversation and he was wringing his hands.

"Hey, Penis Parker!" Flash called down the bus. "Is your boss even going to recognise you? Or has the internship been a lie?"

"Ignore him," I muttered.

Peter glanced at me and nodded.

"You can back out now! I'd rather do that than be embarrassed in front of Tony Stark!" Flash called.

"If you're waiting for us to care, Flash, don't hold your breath!" I called up to him. "Or maybe do. Either way, we don't care."

I gave him the finger and returned to my conversation. I heard Mr Harrington cough in surprise at the front of the bus, but I didn't pay it any attention.

Soon enough, we arrived at the tower. There were lots of ooh's and ahh's, with me contributing to them.

The tower was massive. I knew that it ran with sustainable energy, but it baffled me, seeing as there were so many floors. How could sustainable energy run that big of a building?

Mr Harrington led us inside. We waited while Mr Harrington got everything sorted. A woman came over and spoke to him for a moment before addressing us.

"Hello, everyone! My name is Ellie, and I will be your tour guide for today!" she said. "Today you will be getting a tour of the whole tower. I'll show you the labs, the party deck, and you'll get a tour of the lobby, which is accessible to the general public. You might even get to see a couple of other places if we have time."

Ellie smiled at us all.

"First, we'll need you to walk through the metal detectors," Ellie said.

Everyone lined up to walk through. MJ, Peter, Ned, and I were at the end of the line, with Peter being the very last person. We all walked through. I turned around to watch Peter once I was on the other side.

"Hello, Mr Parker," a voice said out of the blue.

A few students jumped and looked around for the source of the voice.

"Hi, Friday," Peter mumbled.

"Friday is Mr Stark's A.I," Ellie explained.

"Hey, Flash, what was that about Parker's internship not being real?" a voice called out.

"Shut up" was Flash's reply.

Peter smiled smugly but quickly schooled his features to neutrality. We were led through the tower's lobby and told the history of some of the Avengers. We saw prototypes of Tony's suits and weapons, and we saw old Avengers' suits.

"Is that Captain America's suit from the 1940s?" a girl in my class called.

"The one and only," Ellie replied.

After the tour of the lobby, Ellie led us all to a triad of elevators.

"Now, we're going to have to split up to fit in the elevators," Ellie said.

She spilt us into three even groups before addressing us again.

"Alright, if this group here can go with me, that group there can go with Mr Harrington, and the final group can go with Mr Parker," Ellie said cheerfully.

There was a moment of silence before Flash opened up his stupid mouth again.

"Mr Parker? Why does he get to be in charge?"

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