Chapter 15

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Four days after my cuddle session with Peter, I was defending the city alone. It happened, sometimes. There were days where Spiderman and I were busy and had to leave the other to defend the city. That's why we'd come up with the every-second-day system.

I was just checking alleyways when I saw someone point a gun at someone else. I jumped down into the alleyway, turning the mugger's attention from the person they were mugging to me.

"Mugging isn't a good thing to do," I said.

I jerked my head and the gun clattered to the floor on the other side of the alley. The criminal lurched towards his weapon, and I sighed. I used my powers to make the gun fly into my hands.

The criminal looked at me and I used all of my strength to crumple the gun in my hands. The metal was cool as I crushed it and threw it to the floor. The mugger ran at me and aimed a punch at my face. I dodged and punched him in the face, and he crumpled to the floor.

"Hey, can you call the police?" I asked the person who was being mugged.

"Yeah, sure," the person said.

I looked up and froze. Peter Parker was dialling a number on his phone. I just saved my best friend from a mugging. I stayed frozen while he called the police and then hung up.

"I... why are you still here?" he asked.

"Because... uh... I gotta make sure you get out of the alley safe," I said, my voice a higher pitch than usual.

He gave me a weird look but let me walk him out of the alley.

"Uh... thanks for saving me," he said.

"No problem," I said as casually as I could. "I gotta bounce, this city doesn't save itself!"

Before Peter could say anything else, I'd launched into the sky.

What the hell was that? I'd been so unprepared to see the face of my crush and best friend that I'd just freaked out.

I shook myself and decided to fight some more crime.

Two hours later I'd stopped a robbery, another mugging, two fights, and I'd helped someone find their lost dog. I was just sitting on top of a building when a figure landed beside me. I jumped up, ready to fight, when I recognised the blue and red suit.

"Bug-boy," I said. "I thought you were busy."

"I was," he said. "Not anymore. And really? Bug-boy?"

I just shrugged and smiled, although he couldn't see it.

"I – uh... have you given the recruitment any more thought?" Spiderman asked.

I had. I'd thought about it a lot, actually. Being mentored by Tony Stark sounded really awesome, actually. I might get training and a free ticket into the Avengers Initiative when I was older. And... I might finally be able to know who Spiderman was.

But then again, how would I explain that to Lizzie and Paul? I didn't really think that they would care all that much if I started hanging out with Tony Stark. Or maybe they would, because he had a massive business of his own that they could partner with.

"I – yeah, I have," I said.

"And?" Spiderman prompted.

"I want an interview," I said. "I want to see if I... could potentially work well under his wing."

Spiderman nodded.

"I can take you to him now, if you'd like," Spiderman offered.

I thought about it for a moment. Why not?

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