Chapter 8

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The next day at school was... exciting, to say the least. It all started in health class. MJ, Peter, Ned, and I were all in the class. We also had Flash and Betty in it. Betty hung out with her friends but always spoke to us. I noticed Ned went bright red when she said his name. I decided to confront him about it later.

When the teacher arrived, everyone quieted down. Ms. Kwan was a teacher to be taken seriously.

"Now, class, as you know, this is health. I will not tolerate jokes of any kind," Ms. Kwan said.

"Yes, Ms. Kwan," the class replied.

"Today, we will be learning about sex education," Ms. Kwan said.

She paused, as if waiting for a kid to laugh.

"Now, I want you all to pair with someone of the opposite gender," the teacher said.

I looked to Peter and he nodded. Ned and MJ paired up. Ms. Kwan ordered us to sit opposite our partner. There were two rows of chairs in the classroom.

"Now, a big part of sex ed is knowing how babies are made. I'm sure that you are all aware of the sexual part of it – but the education system lacks the curriculum for the internal process."

Ms. Kwan then proceeded to explain the sperm and the egg. I already knew this, as did all of my friends. All of the girls knew and only a few boys seemed to be learning new information.

"Now, a big part of sexual health is periods. They aren't spoken about all that often, but women get them every month. I assume that most of you boys don't understand what it's like for a woman to go through her cycle, so this is the opportunity to learn. Ladies, kindly make your partner aware of what it is like to go through a cycle," Ms. Kwan said.

I'm sure Ms. Kwan meant well. I just didn't think she understood that it was slightly embarrassing to talk about those things. It shouldn't be, I agreed with that, but society made things so difficult.

I looked Peter in the eyes and had to hold back a laugh. There was a mortified expression on his face.

"So... periods," I said.

Peter blinked slowly.

"What do – what is it – uh..."

Peter stuttered and stumbled over his words.

"I'll just tell you," I said awkwardly.

I silently cursed Ms. Kwan. She was making me talk about my period to my crush. I mentally groaned but went with it anyway.

"So... periods," I said again. "Um... they're difficult. I get cramps and headaches. Um... big mood swings and cravings for chocolate."

Peter cocked his head.

"I didn't know that," he said.

"Yeah, well, I try to hide them," I said sheepishly.

"You shouldn't have to. If – if you need anything to do with it, you can always ask me," Peter said confidently. "I – I might not have a – um – a tampon or whatever with me, but if you need, uh, comfort or... Panadol, I can help."

I smiled at Peter even though he was beet red and looking very intensely at the floor.

"That's really sweet, Peter," I said. "Thank you."

Peter blushed even deeper and waved me off.

The rest of the class was kind of uneventful. Flash got told off, which was a highlight. The rest of the day sped by, and soon enough, I'd made it to Spiderman and my meeting point.

Spiderman swung up to me after about a minute of waiting.

"Sorry I couldn't make it last night," I said. "My friend wanted to know what was going on with all this."

Spiderman froze.

"How many people have you told?" he asked.

"Technically, I haven't told anyone. My friend found out because we got mugged and I used my powers to save us," I said.

Spiderman nodded.

"Yeah, my friend found out when I crawled in my room on the ceiling," Spiderman said. "I didn't know he was in there."

I sighed.

"I like that she knows, but I also don't. I – I like having someone who knows, but it puts her in so much danger," I said.

Spiderman sighed as well.

"Yeah, I get it. I really want to tell my best friend, but if I did, it might endanger her," Spiderman said. "But I hate lying to her. So much."

"I feel that," I said, thinking about Peter.

We were silent for a moment.

"Anyway, did I miss anything exciting?" I asked.

"You did," Spiderman said. "There was another alien gun attack."

"Oh my god, really? I'm so sorry I wasn't there!" I exclaimed.

Spiderman waved me off.

"It's okay," he said. "Really."

I sighed.

"I was thinking about checking out the crime scene," Spiderman said.

I perked up at that.

"Okay, let's go," I said.

Spiderman swung away and I followed after him. He led me to an intersection that was near Delmar's. He landed in front of the police.

"Hey, Spiderman," one of the officers said. "What can we help you with?"

"We just want to get a look at the scene," Spiderman said.

The officer considered it for a moment before letting us in. We walked around, looking for... wait, what were we looking for?

"Hey, Spiderman," I called out. "What're we looking for?"

"I don't know. Anything," Spiderman called back.

We searched for about half an hour but found nothing. We left the site to sit on top of a building.

"Maybe next time we see them, we can follow them back," I suggested.

Spiderman's head snapped up to look at me.

"That's... that's a good idea," he said.

"I know," I replied. "I came up with it."

Spiderman chuckled.

"You're funny," he said.

"I know, Spider-Boy," I said.

Spiderman groaned.

"It's Spiderman," he whined.

"Whatever you say, Spider-Boy," I said.

Spiderman chuckled.

"Alright, then. Phantom-Girl," he said.

"What? No! Phantom is so cool and deadly! You can't add 'girl' onto the end of it! At least say woman!" I said.

Spiderman chuckled again and then we were off fighting crime. We stopped a few robberies and helped some people cross the road.

When I got home, I barely had time to get dressed before Lizzie and Paul arrived home. What if they caught me sneaking out, or – even worse – caught me in the suit?

Maybe I should start telling them that I was hanging out with friends. Not that they would care all that much.

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