Chapter 18

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"Y/n, we've been called in to work again!"

I rolled my eyes.

Tell me something I don't know, would you?

Almost every weekend, it was work work work, and never oh, let's see if Y/n wants to do something with her foster parents who don't really love her.

What a sad life. At least I had Peter.

"Alright!" I called back. "Have fun!"

The sound of the door closing was my only answer.

I smiled as I remembered what had happened only last night.

Peter Benjamin Parker was my boyfriend!

The adorable, smart, funny, sweet nerd was my boyfriend. And he also happened to be Spiderman.

After a few hours of sitting around doing nothing, I decided to explore the Avengers' Tower. Tony had said that I could visit whenever I wanted, so why not explore the tower on a lazy Saturday?

I teleported to the training rooms. I heard a loud bang and turned around to see Bucky with a pair of weights at his feet.

"Man, can you give some warning next time?" he asked, shaking his head, and picking up his weights.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" Bucky asked.

"Oh, I just wanted to explore," I said, shrugging. "If – y'know, that's okay."

"'Course it is," Bucky said with a shrug.

"See you later, Bucket," I said, waving.

Bucky just rolled his eyes and continued flexing his muscles as he lifted his weights. I left the training rooms and walked down the hall to the elevator. I stepped in and was immediately greeted by Friday.

"Hello, Miss L/n," Friday said. "Where can I take you today?"

"Uh... the most interesting place in the tower," I said.

"There are quite a few interesting places," Friday said. "Mr. Stark thinks that the most interesting place is the party deck, but Ms Romanoff believes the training rooms are the best."


I thought about it for a moment. Who was closest to my age? Who shared the most of my interests?

"What about Peter?" I asked. "What does Peter think is the most interesting?"

"The labs," Friday replied.

"Then take me there, please," I said.

The elevator went up and stopped at a level I had been on once before. I exited the elevator and took a look around. I walked down the hall and stopped when I saw someone in one of the labs. They turned around and my eyes widened when I saw Tony Stark.

He quirked an eyebrow at me but motioned for me to enter the lab, so I did.

"Uh... hey, Mr. Stark," I said.

"Hey kiddo," he said, grabbing a wrench from a toolbox. "What are you doing here?"

"I... uh... you said that I could visit whenever I wanted and I thought that I could... explore," I said.

Tony nodded and smacked the machine he was working on. It made a noise and started making a weird noise.

"It's a Saturday," he said, hitting it again. "Shouldn't you be hanging out with your parents or something?"

"They're working," I said with a shrug.

Tony nodded and I eyed the machine he was working on warily. After a few more smacks, the noise stopped, and he deemed it safe. I looked around his lab. There were different tools everywhere and plans for building stuff. There were a couple of Iron Man prototypes against the walls.

"How often do your parents work?" Tony asked me.

"Um... all the time, I guess," I said. "They try to take the weekends off, but they usually get called in."

Tony stopped working on his machine thing and looked at me.

"You wanna help out?" he asked.

I smiled.

"Yeah, I'd really like that," I replied.

"Pete's gonna be here soon," Tony said three hours later.

I couldn't stop the smile from tugging at my lips.

"Oh? You and Parker got a little something going on?" Tony asked.

For a man who was supposedly self-absorbed, he was really aware of his surroundings, and other people. I coughed awkwardly.

"Maybe?" I said, even though I knew it was a definite yes.

Tony chuckled and started typing something out on a laptop.

"Peter told me yesterday what happened," he said. "He really likes you. Talks my ear off about you all the time."

I blushed and looked to my hands while Tony chuckled again.

"Don't stress, kid," Tony told my, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I won't bully you about it. Only Peter. I don't know you well enough yet."

He winked at me, and I shook my head.

"Sorry I'm late, Mr – oh, uh, hey, Y/n."

I turned to the doorway to see Peter standing there with a look of slight surprise on his face. I smiled widely at him, and he smiled back.

"Alright, lovebirds," Tony said. "Peter, come here."

Peter walked past me to where Tony was standing. I pulled out my phone, looking at all of the texts I'd received from MJ. A lot of them were along the lines of I need details, or I told you that Peter liked you.

"Alright, kids, you're free to go," Tony said.

I looked at Peter and he smiled at me before grabbing my hand. We said goodbye to Tony, and he gave us a wave in return before turning back to his inventing.

"What brings you here?" Peter asked.

"I was bored," I said with a shrug. "I decided to explore."

"Talking about exploring..." Peter began nervously. "There's a new Thai restaurant that opened up... want to go there with me?"

I smiled warmly at my boyfriend.

"As in a date?" I asked.

Peter nodded and I squeezed his hand.

"I'd like that."

okay soooo this story is on hiatus bc i don't like it, sorry. i have like 2 other chapters written but i wrote them so long ago and i hate my writing. if you guys want i can upload those two other chapters and maybe i'll come back to this story later. whatever u guys want :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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