Chapter 6

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I tapped my pen against my desk. Just ten more minutes until school finished. Then, I could go out as Phantom and fight crime all evening.

"Now, kids, before school ends," Mr Harrington began, "we have a school excursion coming up in a few weeks. It's a day experience, and we're going to the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space museum!"

There were a couple of groans. Museums were kind of boring. I found fighting crime much more fun. Soon enough, the bell rang. I rushed to my locker and grabbed my bag. I rushed through the hallways and out of the school. I ran down the streets, but I was stopped by police tape. A police officer came up to me as I glanced around.

"Are you lost?" the officer asked.

"Um, kind of. I usually go through here to get home, and I don't know which other way to go," I said.

The officer asked me what street I lived on and I told her.

"Oh yeah, you'll have to walk around the block and then-"

She continued talking and I pulled up google maps. I followed her directions and it told me I would get home in an hour. An hour! I thanked the police officer and ducked into the nearest alley.

Teleportation was not my strong suit. I hadn't really used it all that much. I closed my eyes and concentrated hard on my bedroom. I imagined being there. I imagined the carpet under my feet and the slight breeze from the open window. There was a shimmer in the air, like a gust of wind, and then it stopped. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my bedroom.

"Yes!" I whooped.

I quickly got changed into my suit and phased through my window. I flew through the air and watched the world. I helped stop someone from stealing a purse before I met Spiderman. I met him on the top of a roof.

"Hey, Spiderman," I said.

"Hey, Phantom," he replied.

We went around fighting crime for about an hour before I came up with something.

"Hey, Spiderman?" I called.

"Yeah?" he called back.

I flew over to the building he was standing on.

"What if we came up with a – a system," I suggested. "One where we allocate days for each other to protect the city so the other can have a break if they want to."

"So, we do day on day off?" he said.

"Yeah, like that," I said. "Of course, the other person can come and help if they want, but it's just so the city is never left unprotected and we can get a break every now and then."

Spiderman nodded.

"It sounds good to me," he said. "I'll take today."

I smiled slightly.

"So, is it true that you work with the Avengers?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah," Spiderman said. "We're all pretty close."

I nodded my head.

"Did you have to sign the accords? As in the new ones?" I asked.

"Nick Fury's? I don't have to sign until I'm eighteen," he said.

"You're not eighteen?" I asked.

Spiderman froze.

"Don't worry," I said. "I won't tell anyone. I'm not eighteen either."

Spiderman nodded slowly.

The sound of sirens broke us from our silence. We glanced at each other before heading towards the sound. We reached an intersection where cars had been flipped and strange, purple wisps floated through the air.

"What the hell?" I said.

"Watch out!" Spiderman yelled.

I instinctively went penetrable and a car phased through me. I looked to the ground to see men and women wearing masks and holding scary looking guns.

A flare of purple power flew at me. I caught it with my telekinesis and threw it back at the offenders. Most of them scrambled out of the way but two of them got caught. They fell to the ground.

Spiderman and I fought our way through the criminals. Their weapons caught us off guard sometimes, but we had each other's backs.

Spiderman webbed criminals here and there and I used my telekinesis to throw them away. I wasn't very good at combat yet, so telekinesis was the best way to go.

Eventually, Spiderman and I had all of the criminals rounded up. He swung away and I followed him, flying through the air. We landed on a roof of a building.

"That was pretty cool," I said, breathing heavily.

Spiderman nodded in agreement.

"I get what you mean," he huffed.

"What'll happen to the weapons?" I asked.

"Shield will probably take them and study them," Spiderman said.

A slight shiver went up my spine at the mention of Shield. Sure, they were a good organisation, but my past was tied with bad feelings towards them.

"So, what do you think it was?" I asked. "Do you reckon they're apart of an organisation? Or do you think they just found the weapons?"

"I think I have an idea, but I hope I'm wrong," Spiderman said.

"What's your idea?" I asked, stepping closer to him.

"I think that maybe... they might be related to Vulture," Spiderman said.

I froze. Vulture. The first real villain Spiderman had defeated, and the father of Liz Allen. Liz had been a lovely girl. Peter had had a crush on her a few months ago when she was still here. It made me so jealous whenever I thought about it, but she was a lovely person. It sucked that her dad was a criminal.

"I – that is entirely possible," I said, nodding. "They might be some of his colleagues. Or followers."

Spiderman nodded, obviously pleased I didn't shut down his idea straight away.

We fought crime for another couple of hours before I had to leave for dinner. I said goodbye to Spiderman and flew home.

When I got back to my room and took off the suit, I thought of Spiderman.

Who was he? I didn't want to ask him. It was his secret, and if he ever wanted to tell me, he could, when he wanted to. But I was still curious. He'd let slip that he wasn't eighteen. For some reason, I'd felt the need to reassure him with a spill of information of my own.

And if he wasn't eighteen, he probably still went to school. He might even go to my school. Ned and Peter would freak the hell out if he did.

I sighed as I flopped onto my bed. Today had been hard and tiring, and I was ready for a nap.

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