Chapter 11

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I lay in my bed that night, thinking about Peter. I really missed him. The only time I really saw him now was at school. He was super busy with the internship and I was busy with being Phantom.

The next morning, I met Peter at our meeting spot.

"Hey, Pete, do you want to hang out tomorrow?" I asked.

"I – I'm really sorry, N/n, but I have the internship tomorrow," Peter replied apologetically.

"Oh," I said. "What days do you normally have it?"

"Um... every second day," he said.

I mentally groaned. That was when it was my turn to take care of the city.

"Wow, Tony Stark really has you working hard," I said.

"Yeah, well, I like helping," Peter said.

That afternoon, I paced around the top of the building, waiting for Spiderman. He flipped onto the building a few minutes later.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Spiderman asked.

How did he know that something was wrong?

"Um... I was wondering if we could switch days? My best friend has this thing on every second day which is when it's my day," I said.

"No, yeah, that's okay," he said. "So today is my day, then?"

I nodded and sighed in relief. Why was that so hard to ask?

"Are you okay?" Spiderman asked.

I sighed and sat down.

"I... yeah. I just really miss him. My best friend," I added when Spiderman cocked his head. "We just haven't really been hanging out all that often, mainly because of this and his... job."

Spiderman came and sat down next to me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in for a side hug.

"Yeah, I get that. I haven't seen much of my best friend because of this," Spiderman said. "But if we're switching days, then you'll be able to see him, right?"

I nodded.

"Yeah," I said.

We stayed there for a bit longer, just sitting together. It wasn't awkward. In fact, it was... nice. The sounds of a police siren broke us out of our comfortable state.

"We should probably take care of that," I said sheepishly.

Spiderman chuckled and jumped up. He held a hand out for me and I took it. He pulled me to my feet and then we were off.


The next day I met Peter at our place again.

"Y/n! I have good news!" Peter said excitedly.

I giggled at his excitement.

"Yeah?" I prompted.

"I changed the days of my internship!" Peter said happily. "We can hang out tonight!"

My face fell. He had gone through all of that and asked if he could switch days when I did too?

"I'm, Pete, I'm really sorry," I said. "I, um, I got this new job and it's every second day, too. So now it's on opposite days."

Peter's face fell when he realised what that meant.

"Oh," he said quietly.

"I – um, I'm sure I could get out of it at one point," I said.

"Yeah," Peter sighed sadly.

A frown adorned his face, and one grew on mine, too. Peter looked at me to see tears in my eyes.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry, N/n," Peter said, pulling me into a hug.

I sniffled into his shoulder as he rubbed my back.

"We'll figure something out, okay?" he said. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."

I gave him a watery laugh.

"Thanks, Peter," I said.

"No problem," he said, smiling at me.

We walked to school and met up with Ned and MJ.

"Are you two free tonight?" Ned asked.

"Nah, I'm busy," I said sadly.

"Oh man, what are you doing?" Ned asked.

I glanced to MJ.

"I, um... I got a... job," I said.

"Oh really?" Ned asked excitedly. "Where?"

"Oh, I, um... Lizzie and Paul needed some help at their company," I lied.

"Oh," Ned said.

Peter looked at me concernedly. I looked back to him and shook my head.

"It's fine," I said. "They're paying me, don't worry."

Peter still looked concerned.

"Peter," I said quietly, pulling him aside. "It's fine. I'm happy to help."

Peter sighed and grabbed my hand. If Peter said anything else, I didn't hear it. My mind just crashed out of a window and free fell to the floor. Peter Parker was holding my hand.

Calm down, I thought.

"-and I just want you to be safe. And happy," Peter finished.

"Peter, I am being safe," I lied. "Everything is okay. You know that I would tell you if something was wrong."

Peter nodded. He glanced down at our hands and turned red. He let go and scratched the back of his neck. The bell rang, excusing us from anymore awkwardness. We walked into Mr Harrington's class all together and sat down.

I felt kind of bad for lying to Peter about being safe.

"Now, I know you guys really wanted to go to the museum," Mr Harrington said once everyone had sat down. "But I found something so much better."

A few kids rolled their eyes and slouched back.

"We're going to the Avengers' Tower!" he announced.

Kids shot up in their seats, some almost falling. There was an outburst of voices. I was pretty excited to go if I was being honest.

We were briefed on what was going to happen and how we were supposed to act.

"You know, the only reason we have this trip is because of Peter," Mr Harrington said.

Everyone looked to him. He blushed and sunk into his chair.

"Because of his internship, we were able to score a private tour. So, thank you, Peter," he continued.

Ned began to clap excitedly. Everyone returned their attention to the front.

"So, it's in a few weeks. I have permission slips for everyone to take home. It is compulsory. Although I doubt that any of you won't want to go," Mr Harrington said.

At the end of class, I grabbed a permission slip, along with everyone else.

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