Chapter 4

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"Was that you in the suit?"

I jumped and closed my locker. MJ was standing right next to me and I hadn't noticed her.

"Geez, MJ! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I said.

"Well?" she pressed. "Was it?"

I cocked my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She shoved her phone in my face. I grabbed it from her and scanned the article that was on her screen. There was a photo of me in my suit holding a hand out to the man with the gun in Mr Delmar's shop.

"Uh... yeah. That was me," I said sheepishly.

"I knew you could do it!" MJ said. "Look, there's a really cool video, too!"

She pulled it up on YouTube and showed me. The air seemed to ripple like water around me before I turned invisible. I had no idea that I looked like that before I turned invisible. It looked really cool.

"I – wow," I said.

"Yeah, that's the word I'd use," MJ said.

"I – you haven't told anyone, have you?" I asked in a whisper.

"No. I assumed you'd want to keep your identity a secret, like Spiderman," MJ whispered back.

"What are you two talking about?"

I jumped again at the voice and instinctively went to punch the threat in the face. Peter caught my wrist before I broke his nose.

"Oh my god, Peter! I'm so sorry, you scared me!" I exclaimed.

"You're really jumpy, today, Y/n," Peter said. "I saw you jump when MJ was at your locker."

"You were watching Y/n?" MJ asked, raising her eyebrows.

MJ was the only person I'd told about my crush on Peter. She was constantly making subtle jokes about it.

"I – no," Peter said, turning red.

I laughed it off.

"Come on. Let's get to class," I said.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur. I was excited to go out again and fight more crime. When school finally finished, I ran out of school and all the way home. I quickly changed into my suit and flew out the window, invisible. I flew up and above the city. I looked down below me to see police cars parked all around the bank. I flew down and through the roof. I landed directly in front of a man with a gun. Fortunately, I was still invisible, so the man didn't see me.

I looked around the bank and assessed the situation. Five men stalked around the bank. There were hostages lined up against the far wall and four more men pointing guns at them. One of the men was taunting a child.

I went for him first. I flicked my head upwards and the man sailed towards the roof with my gaze. He crashed into the roof and fell back to the floor.

All of his crime buddies looked around the room. I punched the guy closest to me in the face. He crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Before I could do anything else, Spiderman crashed through a window and shot a web at the people pointing guns at the hostages. I became visible as I ripped a gun out of one of the men's hands with my powers. Spiderman webbed the other two men's hands.

We both turned to face the remaining four criminals.

"You know, robbing banks isn't a good hobby," Spiderman said.

"Or a good career choice, either," I said.

Spiderman chuckled. A man shot straight at me, but the bullet phased through my body.

"What a shame," I sighed.

I pushed two of the men back with my power. Spiderman webbed the other two to the floor. I collected all of their guns with my power. Spiderman webbed the weapons together.

"We should talk," Spiderman said.

I glanced at him.

"Meet me on the roof of the building across the street," I said.

Spiderman nodded. I turned invisible and flew through the roof. I landed on the roof of the other building and waited. A minute later, Spiderman swung himself in front of me. I turned visible.

"So, you're the new hero around town," Spiderman said.

Something about him seemed familiar, somehow.

"Yeah," I said.

"Do you have a hero name?" he asked.

"Um... I've thrown a few around in my head," I said.

"Which one is your favourite?" he asked.

"Phantom," I said.

Spiderman nodded thoughtfully.

"Sounds good to me," he said.

I smiled, not that he could see.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Spiderman," I said.

"Same to you," he replied.

We stood on the building for a moment, just looking at each other.

"Um... do you maybe... uh, want to team up?" I asked.

Spiderman nodded almost immediately.

"Yeah. I think that would be cool," he said.

I held my hand out. He grabbed it and shook.

"Let's go fight some crime," I said.

A few hours later, Spiderman and I landed on a roof. We had fought crime together the whole time. Spiderman was really fascinated with my powers, and I was with his. He told me that he had 'spider-senses' which meant he could just sense things. I saw it in action when someone threw a brick at his head. He dodged it like he was the world's best dodgeball player.

"So, meet here again tomorrow at four?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah, sounds good to me," Spiderman said.

"I'd better get going now," I said. "Bye!"

"Bye!" Spiderman said.

I ran to the edge of the building and jumped into a dive. I turned invisible on my way down and flew back to my apartment. I phased through the wall just as someone opened my bedroom door.

"I'm getting changed!" I yelled, running and closing the door.

"Sorry, sorry!" I heard Paul say. "You didn't respond."

"I had earphones in, sorry!" I said, quickly changing out of my suit.

"Lizzie is still at work, but I ordered pizza," Paul said.

I finally got my head through the right hole in my t-shirt and opened the door.

"Thanks, Paul," I said.

He smiled at me.

"No problem," he said.

Then he left. I sighed in relief and fell onto my bed. I was so lucky that he didn't see me. I didn't quite trust Lizzie and Paul the way I trusted Peter or MJ or Ned. Living with them was more like living with roommates.

I sighed again as I closed my eyes. That was the best night ever.

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