Chapter 10

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When I woke up, the pain in my side was just an ache. I lifted my pyjama shirt to see my bandages. I slowly took them off to see an angry red scratch.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

Was I dreaming? I could have sworn that last night I had a hole in my side. Didn't I get stabbed?

But Spiderman said that I healed quickly.

Things were just getting insane now. I shook myself and got ready to go to school. I met Peter at our normal meeting spot.

"Hey, Pete," I said, smiling up at him.

Somehow, Peter smiled wider.

"Hey, N/n," he said, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

I snuggled into him, giving him a hug. If I had died, I would have lost this.

The thought scared me.

"Let's get to school," I said, my mind still churning.

Peter and I spoke a lot on our trip to school. We hadn't really seen much of each other lately because of the internship and my time as Phantom. That made me sad. He was my best friend and I loved spending time with him.

We arrived at school. We had our first period together, which was Mr Harrington's class.

"The field trip has been cancelled," Mr Harrington said.

There was an outburst of loud voices at that.

"Hey, kids! It's not my fault. I'm sure you've seen it on the news, but Phantom and Spiderman stopped a robbery there. It's just a crime scene at the moment," the teacher said.

There were a couple of groans and I felt bad. I had caused that. I glanced to MJ to see her looking at me.

I'll tell you at lunch, I mouthed to her.

She nodded and we got back to schooling. Lunchtime came along and MJ pulled me away from the others.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Not here," I said, glancing around nervously at the students and teachers passing by. "Come with me."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her down hallways and corridors. Everywhere we went there was at least one student or teacher. I stopped in the middle of an empty hallway and glanced at a wall.

"Are you claustrophobic?" I asked MJ.

MJ eyed me warily.

"I feel like I should say yes," she said.

I shook my head and grabbed her hand.

"Trust me," I said.

She looked at me sceptically but nodded. I looked around for teachers or students, but I saw none. I turned us invisible and walked us through a wall. MJ gasped at the sensation. I was used to it, but I guess the feeling of walking through something for the first time was surreal. MJ and I stood in the wall.

"Okay, so... just don't let go of my hand," I warned. "Otherwise, you'll suffocate in the wall."

"I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that," she said. "So, what's going on?"

"Um... can we whisper?" I whispered. "If someone hears us, we're screwed."

"Okay," MJ replied quietly. "Go on."

"So, um... I kinda got stabbed-"

"You WHAT?" she shrieked.

"Whispers, whispers!" I whisper-yelled.

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