Chapter 9

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Spiderman and I were perched on the top of a building. I was invisible and holding onto him, letting my power flow through myself and into him. This way, we were both invisible and able to eavesdrop on the conversation happening below us.

"He wants something from the museum," one of the men said.

"The power source," a woman said.

I glanced to Spiderman. He could see me, and I could see him. He looked at me, but quickly looked back at the sound of screeching tyres. Five cars had arrived, and the criminals were getting in them.

"Follow?" I whispered.

Spiderman nodded.

"Follow," he whispered back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he grabbed my waist. I concentrated hard on his webs as he followed the criminals, making sure they were invisible, all the while keeping myself and Spiderman invisible, too.

We finally stopped at the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space museum. Spiderman and I stopped on the building across from the museum. The criminals pulled out some nasty looking weapons and entered the museum.

"Ladies first," I said to Spiderman.

"Oh, ha ha," he said sarcastically.

Spiderman swung into the museum. I saw him land in front of the criminals. I teleported inside and turned visible.

"Sup, losers," I said, stealing MJ's vocabulary.

"Why would you call them that?" Spiderman asked.

"Because that's what they're gonna be once we've beaten their asses," I said, matter-of-factly.

"You say that now," one of the women said.

Before I could react, she shot a ball of purple light at me. I dodged it but another one came straight at me. It slammed straight into my chest and I was fell over. The purple glow worked its way around my body. It felt really hot.

I started to get up when a foot stepped on my chest.

"Don't go anywhere," the owner of the foot growled.

"Okay," I said innocently.

I went penetrable and the person stumbled forwards, their foot sliding through my body. I used my telekinesis to throw him across the room. I got up and stopped a bullet from hitting Spiderman. I threw a few criminals across the room.

"You okay?" Spiderman called from across the room.

"Yeah," I called back, punching a criminal in the face.

Glass shattering made me turn around. The Vulture had flown through the window and landed directly in front of us.

"Spiderman," Vulture spat.

He glanced to me.

"Got yourself a new girlfriend?" he asked.

Spiderman clenched his fists.

"You're lucky I haven't told anyone about your identity," Vulture said.

I froze. Vulture knew Spiderman's identity?

Spiderman shot a web at Vulture. I was too busy watching them that I didn't notice someone sneaking up on me until it was too late. They stabbed at my heart, but I moved to the side. The knife pierced my side instead. I cried out in pain and let my telekinesis out in a wave. I knocked over all of the criminals including Vulture. Spiderman was spared from my power.

Vulture got up and flew away. I moaned at the pain in my side.

"Phantom? Phantom, are you okay?" Spiderman asked frantically.

I continued to groan as my sight faded and came back.

"Karen, give me an assessment," Spiderman said.

"The wound is deep," a woman's voice said. "Not deep enough to warrant surgery, but enough for stitches. Should I call Mr. Stark?"

"I – uh... no. Damnit," Spiderman said.

I closed my eyes.

I woke up in Peter's room. Was it Peter's room? I saw Spiderman hovering over me before I passed out again.

I woke up again. I heard the sounds of cars honking and streaming by. I groaned at the pain in my side.

"Did you know you have super healing?" a familiar voice asked.

I looked up to see Spiderman.

"Do I?" I groaned. "It doesn't feel like it."

Spiderman chuckled.

"I could see it healing," Spiderman said. "It's so weird."

I jumped up and immediately regretted it. I checked the side of my suit to see no hole.

"Wha – what?" I said, confused.

"I – um... I took you back to my place," he said sheepishly. "I stitched you up. I didn't see your face, though."

I smiled at his consideration.

"Thanks for not looking," I said.

Spiderman looked to the ground and I imagined a blush on his cheeks.

"But why isn't there a hole in my suit?" I asked.

Spiderman shrugged.

"I don't know," Spiderman said. "It was that way when I stitched you up. Maybe your suit has healing abilities, too."

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Um... midnight," he said.

"Shit," I muttered. "I have to go. Thanks for this."

"No problem," Spiderman said.

I turned invisible and flew back to my apartment. I phased through the window and quickly got changed. I looked down to my side. There was a bandage and gauze around my side. I peeked under it and saw the wound. I gagged and pulled my shirt back down. I couldn't imagine what it had been like if this was supposed to be better.

I walked out of my room slowly to check for Lizzie and Paul. They weren't home. Not all that surprising. I fixed myself dinner before falling asleep.

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