Chapter 5

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I plonked down in the seat next to Peter.

"That was the worst class I have ever had," I groaned.

"I disagree," MJ said, sitting down across from me. "You totally destroyed Flash!"

I groaned and rested my head on Peter's shoulder.

"Yeah, that was cool, I guess," I sighed.

"W-what happened?" Peter asked.

"Well, Flash was going on about himself, and then he started trash talking you, so I said, 'you're so full of shit, the toilet's jealous'," I explained.

MJ began cackling. Peter and Ned laughed a little bit.

"What did he do after that?" Ned asked.

"He looked like he was a boiling kettle," MJ said.

My friends laughed again.

"Are you guys free tonight?" Ned asked.

"Um... pretty sure, yeah," I said.

I had been fighting crime with Spiderman for about a week now. He was always on duty, so I assumed he would be okay for a night by himself.

"Yeah, I'm free," MJ said.

"I – I don't know. I might have the internship..." Peter said.

"Damn," I sighed.

Peter cleared his throat.

"But I'm sure Mr. Stark would be fine if I took a day off," he said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. He'd be fine with it," Peter said.

"Awesome!" Ned said. "I thought that maybe we could go to that new diner for dinner."

"Lizzie and Paul aren't home for dinner, so I'm down for that," I said.

"Me too," MJ said.

"Me three," Peter said.

After school, I went home to put my stuff away. We were all going to meet at the diner at half past six, so that meant I had some time to do my homework. I got it all done in about an hour and started scrolling through Instagram.

At six, I walked to my wardrobe. Should I change? I didn't want to seem desperate. I glanced down at my outfit. Maybe I could change into a nicer top. I rummaged through my wardrobe until I found a nice, red, off-the-shoulder top. I put it on and smiled at my reflection. I looked good.

I walked around the house, grabbing things I needed. I grabbed a clutch and my phone. I packed a spare battery charger and my purse.

Money wasn't really all that much of a problem for me. Lizzie and Paul were CEOs of two major companies, so funds were good. They gave me a couple hundred dollars a week to spend on food for when they weren't there. Which was most of the time.

I made sure I had everything before walking to the diner. I arrived at the same time as MJ. She looked me up and down.

"You look good," she said.

MJ and I entered the diner. Peter and Ned were already there and taking about Star Wars. MJ slid into the booth next to Ned, and I slid in next to Peter.

"Hey guys," I said.

"He-hey Y/n," Peter said.

MJ winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

We got our menus and looked through. There were lots of different options. I wanted to eat it all.

"What do you guys think?" I asked.

"I want calamari rings," Ned said.

"I like the sound of the club sandwich," Peter said.

We looked through the menus for a bit longer before a waitress came up to us.

"What can I get you, kids?" she asked.

"Can I please get a cheeseburger and a raspberry lemonade?" I asked.

"Of course," the waitress said, writing it down.

The rest of my friends ordered, and the waitress left. I glanced at Peter from the corner of my eye. How was he so cute? I noticed a stray curl and brushed it out of his face. I realised everyone stopped talking and looked at me.

"Sorry," I said, blushing redder than Spiderman's mask.

MJ just rolled her eyes and Peter laughed it off. Eventually our food came.

"Can I just say, you two make a really cute couple," the waitress said to me and Peter.

"I – oh... uh, we're not – we're-"

"Yeah, we're just – we're not-"

Peter and I stammered and stuttered together. The waitress just chuckled.

"My mistake," she said.

I glanced at Peter. He looked at me and we both blushed but laughed. I began to eat my food and drink my drink.

"Want to try?" Peter asked, holding out his chocolate milkshake.

I nodded excitedly and handed him my drink. We took a sip from each other's drink.

"Wow, that's really good!" I said.

Peter handed me my drink back and I held it out to MJ.

"Want to try?" I asked.

"No, thanks," MJ said.

"Ned?" I asked.

"I'm alright," he said.

I just shrugged and took another sip.

"You know, you two basically kissed," Ned commented casually.

I coughed and began choking on my drink. Peter turned beet red.

"I – okay," I wheezed.

I looked to MJ pleadingly. Luckily, she changed the subject to school. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and glanced to Peter. He was looking at Ned, who was talking about his math test. I glanced to MJ to see her gesture towards Peter with her head.

What? I mouthed.

Get. Closer. To. Him, MJ mouthed clearly.

What? Why? I mouthed back.

MJ just rolled her eyes. I looked back to Ned to see him mouthing something to Peter. I then realised that no one was speaking.

"Who's your favourite superhero?" MJ asked loudly.

I looked back to her. She looked at me expectantly.

"Um... Spiderman's cool," I said.

Peter shifted closer to me.

"Yeah?" he said.

"Uh... yeah. He's kind of... he's different to the Avengers. Like, he's more helpful," I said.

Everyone looked at me.

"No – wait, that come out wrong. I meant it like... I don't know... the Avengers would probably help me take in my groceries if I asked, but Spiderman would ask me if I wanted help, you know?" I said.

"So, he's initiative," MJ said flatly.

"He's kind," I retorted.

"Well, I think that Phantom is really cool," Ned said.

"Yeah, she is," Peter said.

I almost blushed. Peter's favourite hero was me? Well, he didn't know it was me.

We spent the rest of the night just chatting. I enjoyed hanging out with my friends and talking the night away.

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