Chapter 3

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I walked with Peter to school. He was talking about Star Wars. Normally, I would listen and add my own remarks, but today I was too busy thinking about becoming a superhero.

How would that even work? Was it even legal?

I supposed I could wing it. Saving people couldn't be that hard, right?

"That's why I think Anakin did it," Peter said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I totally agree," I lied, having no idea what he just said.

Peter smiled at me and I felt bad for not listening.

"Peter... can I ask you a question?" I asked.

Peter tensed up slightly.

"Y-yeah, sure. What's up?" he asked.

"Um... hypothetically, if you had superpowers... would you save the city, even though you might die?" I asked.

Way to make it obvious.

"I – uh, what?" Peter asked.

He stopped walking and looked at me anxiously.

"Hypothetically," I said quickly. "I was, uh, thinking about it last night. I was thinking about how, uh, the Avengers save the world and stuff. The things they do bring them all really close to death, but they still do it. I was thinking about what I would do, and I couldn't quite come up with an answer. So... I – uh, I wondered what you thought."

"Oh," Peter said.

A look of relief washed over his face and he resumed walking.

"Well, I would save the city," he said. "There are people who can't save themselves, so I would help them out."

I smiled. He was so sweet and thoughtful.

"Yeah, I think I would, too," I said.

After school finished for the day, I rushed home. Lizzie and Paul were still at work, so I put the suit on and looked at it in the mirror. The suit clung to my body and hugged my curves. There was a hood and a mask. I pulled up the hood and put the mask on. Looking in the mirror, I could only see my eyes. I didn't recognise myself.

"This is perfect," I whispered to myself.

I looked around before turning invisible. I phased through my window and stood on the fire escape. I flew up and above the buildings.

I had never flown this high before. It was always just a few centimetres above the ground, never this high. I whooped as I flipped through the air.

Now it was time to help the city out. I sat on the top of a building and watched the city go on by. I saw a few of my classmates walk around. I was still invisible, so no one could see me.

I got bored of waiting for crime to find me, so I went to find it instead. Luckily for me (or not, depending on how you looked at it), Delmar's was being robbed.

Peter and I loved Delmar's sandwiches. I flew down to the ground and phased through the store door. I was still invisible, and I watched as the burglar held a gun to Delmar's face. I became visible and made my move.

"Hey! It's not nice to point guns in people's faces!" I yelled.

The burglar turned around to face me.

"This doesn't concern you. Leave," the burglar said.

"I don't think you understand," I said, taking a step forward.

The burglar turned the gun on me and shot. The bullet phased through my body and I turned invisible.

"What the hell?!" the guy exclaimed.

I got up behind him and punched him behind the ear. He dropped to the ground, unconscious. I turned visible again and addressed Mr Delmar.

"You might want to call the police," I said.

I ran at his window and phased through it. I turned invisible and shot of the ground and into the sky.

Did I do well? No one was hurt, except the thief. I hadn't killed him, just knocked him out. I flew to the top of a building and sat down, watching the city.

Suddenly, Spiderman swung past my ledge. I watched as he landed on the hood of a car. The car stopped moving and Spiderman webbed up the guy inside. He got up and swung away as the police arrived.

Maybe I needed to follow Spiderman to see how to do it. I flew after him a few yards behind to make sure he didn't hit me. I became penetrable so that he didn't, just in case.

A few times he turned around and looked right at me. I thought that maybe he could see me, but he turned back around each time.

Was he able to sense things? Maybe that was one of his superpowers or something.

I followed him around for the rest of the evening. When it came to eight o'clock, I decided to call it quits. I flew back to my apartment and got changed back into normal clothes. I exited my bedroom. Luckily for me, Lizzie and Paul were still at work. I made myself some dinner before going to my bedroom again.

Honestly, it hadn't been a bad run. I'd saved Mr Delmar from a robbery and followed Spiderman around to see how things were done. He helped out the city a lot.

Would we team up in the future? I couldn't lie, the thought of teaming up with Spiderman seemed awesome.

My head hit my pillow and I fell asleep with my thoughts full of heroic adventures.

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