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Three Months Later:

A month ago, I found out I was pregnant and three days ago I miscarried. A part of me feels like I should feel guilty, but I only feel relief. The doctors also discovered I may have a hard time carrying to term thanks to all the damage done to my body since I got here, the rapes and beatings. In two weeks, I'll be fifteen. I'm dressed in my suit with Winter next to me. We're in a hotel, looking for a traitor to Hydra. Winter locks eyes with me.

"I'll take out his guards, you take him out using your reaper abilities, then I'll shoot," he says in Russian.

I look at him, confused. "Isn't that mercy?" I ask.

He gives me an annoyed look, I can tell it, even with the mask "You and I both know me shooting him is more of a mercy."

I sigh "Fine."

I follow him into a hallway, both of us keeping to the shadows. I pick up the scent of bourbon and cigarettes from the room just up ahead and I motion to it in question and Winter nods, signaling that's where our target is. Winter breaks down the door and I move in fast, keeping myself a shadow as Winter exchanges fire with his bodyguards. I let my eyes shift and I stare at the man's soul; I grab onto it as Winter finishes off the guards, and I crush his soul. As he begins to fall down dead, Winter puts two bullets in his chest. I un-shadow and meet his gaze.

"Let's get out of here."

Winter nods and takes my hand, leading me to the window, and we make our escape.


Three days later, I find myself chained down to the table again, but this time, a doctor is injecting me with a needle. They want to see if I can carry a pregnancy or if I really will miscarry again. At least it's not Konstantin's this time. I wince as the needle slides into me and I turn, not wanting to watch as they inject me but to my surprise, Winter is outside, watching, playing bodyguard, even if they have permission to do this, they are not trusted, to not try something else. Once they are done, Winter enters and they all tense up, but he ignores them and gently releases my left, then right hands from the chains, then my feet. I wince when he pulls the collars from me, the iron and silver one not being there long enough to infect me just hurt with the spikes and the unused shock collar. He gives me a quick, apologetic look that goes unnoticed by those around us.

He then helps me stand. I'm grateful that this time I am still clothed. He places a hand on my back and takes me to my cell. As we pass the glass door, I glimpse my reflection. From my mid-back length, super curly red hair to my dark eyes, to my wide lips and button nose, and my oval-shaped face. To my 5'2 height and curvy body, a body some girls are confident in, being busty and having hips and thighs but I also have a bit of a stomach, not much but it's there and I've always been self-conscious, even more so now. Then my eyes wander to the scar across my left cheek, then the one on the right side of my neck, across to my left collarbone, and the ones from the collars, my other scars hidden under my clothes.

Once in my cell, Winter slides down the outside, sitting, guarding me. He looks at me as I move to sit near him.

"I want to thank you," I tell him.

He looks at me, confused. "For what?"

I smile softly, "For always protecting me and being my friend."

Winter's eyes widen in shock. "Um...I....you're welcome."

I lean against the bars "And thank you for looking out for the other women and the children here too."

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