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About 2 Months Later:

October 23:

I walk down the stairs, pain throughout my lower body. I find Pepper in the kitchen. Dad is probably downstairs with his suits. Pepper looks up as I enter and instantly knows something is wrong. She walks up to me, a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong?" she asks me. I groan as the pain intensifies.

"I think I'm in labor," I gasp out.

Pepper's eyes widen and she rushes to the stairs, yelling for Dad and telling him I'm in labor.

Dad rushes up the stairs and to my side "Nadya, are you ok?" he asks worriedly.

I nod but double over in pain "I'm surviving," I reply "But it's too soon, I'm only eight months"

"We have to get you to the hospital," Pepper says. "It'll be ok"

I nod, and she helps me to the car while Dad grabs the bags.


I lay in the hospital bed, labor taking forever when the doctor calls to the other staff.

"She's bleeding, badly. We need to do an emergency c-section"

I look at Dad, who is holding my hand, eyes wide with fear.

"It'll be ok. If they let me, I'll be right with you," he says.

I shakily nod before they wheel me out of the room and to the E.R.


While on the table, I glance at Dad, my vision blurring and my body feeling weak.

"Her heartbeat is dropping, Nadya, stay with us!"

That is all I hear before everything goes black.

I wake moments later, not knowing what's happening. I look at Dad, who has tears in his eyes.

"Just stay with us, Nadya, please sweetheart," he says, but my world goes black once more.


I wake again. Dad sighs in relief, but it's short-lived when we hear my son's cries. Tears fill my eyes, and I look at Dad.

"Is he ok?" I ask.

He nods "He's just fine, it was you we were worried about"

"What happened?"

"You died, twice"

"Oh god," I whisper.

We look over as a nurse brings my son over for me to look at. I smile. He has red hair like me and looks like it might turn out curly and his eyes might change as he grows. I smile as I realize he looks just like his father, other than his hair and possibly his eyes.

"He's kind of cute," Dad comments, and I roll my eyes.

Later we are in a room, my body already healing. The doctor had told us that even though my son was born a month early he looks and seems healthy and luckily doesn't need any extra help, which is a miracle. I smile as I hold my son. Dad, Pepper, and now Natasha are in the room with us. Nat smiles.

"He's got your hair," she comments.

I laugh "Our hair, you, me, mama. Sonya has her father's and her son's, matches."

"Do you think he'll have your eyes?" Pepper asks.

I shrug "Maybe, but if they don't change, I won't mind"

Dad smiles "So what's the kid's name?" he asks from his seat in the chair next to my bed. I smile softly. I look down at my son again, knowing his name, but knowing I can't share all of it with them.

"His name is Luka, Luka James"

"What about his last name?"

I shake my head "That is a secret"

Dad, Nat, and Pepper look confused "Why?" Natasha asks.

"Because it's his father's"

"The guy who made you have a kid at fifteen? You gave your son his last name?" I glare at Dad's angry tone.

"He didn't force me and he didn't have a say in it just like I didn't. He was my friend and my protector. If it wasn't for him I'd be dead," I snap, making Luka fuss. I gently rock him and he soon quiets down again.

Dad sighs "Ok"

I smile and hand Luka over to Nat, who smiles as she takes her turn holding him.

"Do you think he'll be like you?" she asks.

I shrug "I don't know, things show up as we grow so I'll just have to wait and watch"

She nods "He is pretty cute"

"Yes, he is," Pepper says.


I smile watching my family hold my son, my mind wandering to his father, hoping he's ok, no matter what they have done to him, wishing he could meet his son, knowing how impossible that is.

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