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As Bruce looks Dad over, Anya looks at me.

"What?" I ask her.

"We need to talk," she says, approaching my seat. Just then Zoya begins to cry.

"What's that?" Dad asks. I turn to him.

"Your granddaughter," I state. "I assume you never read the letters I sent."

Pepper looks at me. "I did. I tried to get him to but he wouldn't."

I roll my eyes. "Her name is Zoya, Zoya Winnifred Barnes."

"When were you-" dad breaks off.

I sigh. "I'll explain once I go get her."

I enter my room to see Zoya sitting up, thumb in her mouth, bunny in her little fist by the ear. Luka yawns in the bed he's on and rubs his eyes.

"Mama!" Zoya exclaims and holds her arms out to me. I smile, picking her up.

"It's ok, sweetheart. It's ok, mama's gotcha," I tell her.

She lays her head on my shoulder, bunny clutch in her fist still, and her other thumb is back in her mouth. I kiss her forehead, then Luka as he moves to my side and hugs me. He grabs my free hand as we walk back to the others.

Dad looks at Zoya, shocked. I smile at my daughter, then look back at him.

"Dad, this is Zoya, mine and Bucky's daughter," I look back at Zoya, "that's your grandpa."

I smile as she waves at him. "Hi grandpa," she says softly.

Luka smiles at Dad. "Hi Grandpa," he says and waves. Dad gives Luka a brief smile.

"When...." Dad stutters out, clearly still stunned by the child in my arms.

I sigh as I sit down. "I was pregnant when everything happened between us but I didn't know until later."

"How old is she?"

I smirk as Pepper rolls her eyes and I answer. "She's a year and a half and you're also going to get a third grandchild" I place a hand on my stomach and Dad's eyes widen.

"You're pregnant again?"

I nod, tears falling.

"I know you're probably still angry with me over our fall out but," I meet his eyes, "I need my dad."

"Actually, it'll be your fourth grandchild," Anya says, then turns to me, ignoring a confused Dad.

"What do you mean?" Natasha asks, folding her arms.

"You always thought it was stillborn, but I lied to protect you both. Your child is alive."

I look at her confused. "What?"

Before Anya can go on Steve interrupts. "I thought you said you had a miscarriage."

I sigh. "That was after, look I don't like talking about it and Bucky didn't know."

"What are you saying?" Bruce asks.

"When Hydra first took me, they tried to breed me but it wasn't with the wolves, it was with Bucky,"

The others look at me wide-eyed and I continue. "They tested out my abilities against several other Winter Soldiers," Steve, Dad, and I share a look. "I ended up in a coma and they decided they wanted to see if the super-soldier serum could be passed genetically but they had to do it while Bucky was in cryo and did it while I was in a coma. When I woke almost eleven months later Anya told me what happened how I had a baby but it was stillborn and then six weeks later they tried again with one of the male werewolves but Bucky protected me it wasn't until I was almost fifteen that I had the miscarriage and then they tried again with Bucky, I watched them stick the needle in me and inject me, Bucky was there too," The other look surprised. "playing bodyguard, protecting me from the hall in case he was needed and then a while later I found out I was pregnant again and when I was about six months I ran with help from Bucky, he got me out, for my sake and Luka's, he didn't want his son born there or used as a weapon and you know the rest," The others are stunned, quiet, and staring. A few tears fall from my face, but I brush them away before squeezing Luka's hand and kissing Zoya's head.

Anya sighs. "You had a daughter, she's alive, and she's with my family."

"I have another sister?" Luka asks, eyes wide. I can tell he's excited by this.

I have to sit down at the news. "H-how long has she been with you?"

"She was with my friend until I escaped again then she was with me."

I glare at her. "And you didn't think to mention this after I had Zoya, or any other time when I saw you?"

Anya folds her arms. "I wasn't sure if you had ever told Bucky the truth and I didn't want to be the one he found out from."

I sigh and look down at the little girl in my arms, then at Luka, then at my slight bump that I now notice to Bucky's dog tags.

"If you want, you can meet her sometime," Anya suggests.

"Can we Mama?" Luka asks.

I look up at her. "Does she know? Would she even want to see me?"

Anya nods. "She asks about you. I told her that I'd have to talk with you but she wants to be with you, if you want her."

"What's her name?"

"Grace Rozaliya Barnes, she's seven and a half and she's vampire and wolf."

I let out a shaking breath. "Four kids and Bucky's gone."

Anya puts a hand on my shoulder. "You're not alone, you have all of us."

I meet Anya's gaze. "I'd like to meet my daughter, it's up to her if she wants to stay with me. If she really does, then she's welcome to."

Anya nods. "You can meet her in three days, when things aren't so crazy here, or at least we know what is happening."

I nod and hug her. "Thank you."

"Of course."

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