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After my flight lands in New York, I find myself feeling like I'm being followed. I put a hand to my bump. Nothing is going to touch my son or me. Hydra can try, but it will only end in death. I try to shake whoever it is by wandering to the nearest park, but the feeling won't leave and it feels like they are getting closer. I wait, walking until I feel them almost behind me. I turn, blade raised.

"Easy, we're not here to hurt you," a female says. She has red hair and green eyes. I look at the man with her. He's dark-skinned and has a brown eye, his other is under a black eyepatch, both are wearing all black.

"Then are you here for my son? Who sent you?" I snap, neither surprised by my accent, blade still raised and hand on my bump.

The man sighs, "We won't hurt either of you, Nadya," he says.

I look at him, alarmed. "How do you know my name?"

The woman offers me a smile. "I'm Natasha Romanoff."

I smirk "You and I both know that's not the truth, not really, Natalia."

Natasha smiles. "So you remember me?"

"I might have been three when last I saw you, but I remember you."

I look at the man. "Yes, I'm Zoya's daughter, Nadezhda Yekaterina Romanova Brannon Stark. What do you want with me?"

The man nods. "I'm Nick Fury, director at S.H.I.E.L.D."

I nod. "I know about S.H.I.E.L. D," I say then show my monster fangs and eyes then almost growl "now I'll ask only one more time, what do you want with me?"

Nick sighs. "We know who you are, what you are, and what you are capable of."

I tilt my head, putting the blade away before folding my arms over my bump. "And?"

"We know your mother and you are tribrids, wolves, phoenixes, and vampires. And not just any vampires, reapers. You're known as the Reaper, your mom was known as the Tribrid."

I sigh. "So you should know my mama was a much better person than me."

Natasha shakes her head. "Not totally true, you're young, you have time to fix things and we know it wasn't all your choice. Whoever hired you or put you up to it forced you to do it."

I sigh again, "You're not totally wrong, I haven't had control of myself in two years and suffered for it. I want to be better, for my son."

They nod. "Join us," Fury says.

"Join S.H.I.E.L.D? I'm fifteen and six and a half-ish months pregnant."

"We would wait to ask you to help until after you have your baby."

I look down. "I'll think about it, but all I need to worry about right now is a place to stay or decide if I want to go see my father."

Nat smile. "You could stay with me or I could take you to your father."

I look down. "I don't know. I don't want to impose on you, and I don't think my father would want to deal with me. He doesn't seem the type of man to want to put up with a pregnant fifteen-year-old."

"I'll make him."

I smile. "It's good to see you again, do you prefer Natasha over Natalia?"

She smiles. "Just call me Nat or if you want to start, Natasha."

I nod then yawn, "Sorry."

Nat shakes her head. "You've been traveling and you're pregnant, it makes sense. I think you should stay with me tonight."

I nod. "Thank you."

She wraps an arm around me, and I let her. Nick smiles, and I offer him a small one.

"I'll be in touch when we need you if you want to join us," he says.

I nod. "I'll think about it."

He nods and walks away from us. Natasha looks at me. "I'll take your bag for you."

"You don't have to, it's not heavy."

"Please, just let me help you," she says and I think for a moment then nod and hand it to her, sighing when it's no longer on my back. She motions for the blades and I hesitate.

"Just until we get to my place."

I begrudgingly hand them over to her. I follow her to her car and get in, and we drive off.


We enter her apartment, and I smile, it's a really nice place. Natasha smiles as she sets my stuff on a chair in what would be a living room which is close to the kitchen which has a fridge/freezer and a table with some chairs and an island with a granite top. There is a hall to the right, and it looks to be a bathroom and three rooms. The furniture is really nice; the couch is grey and suede, like the two chairs and there is a coffee table and a flat-screen tv on a stand and some bookcases with some books and music with a radio.

"I am going to make some dinner. The door at the end of the hall is the room you can use, my room is the first door, the second is the bathroom, sorry that there is only one," Nat says.

I shake my head. "It's ok, could I shower? I only have some clothes, I need to go shopping for more."

Natasha nods. "Yeah, of course. And I can take you shopping sometime."

I smile, "I'd like that."


After showering, I sit at the table with Nat as we eat. She made some BLTs. I rub a hand over my bump as my son kicks against me.

"You ok?" Natasha asks, looking at me, concerned.

I nod, "Kid is just kicking a lot right now," I answer.

She looks in awe and hesitates. "Can i-"

She stops herself, but I nod and grab her hand, letting her feel him kicking. Her eyes widen a bit more.

"Wow," she says after a moment.

I nod. "It's a really weird feeling, but it's also comforting. I like knowing he's ok."

Natasha smiles. "I bet. I really am sorry for whatever they put you through. If I had known what was happening, I would have helped you and your mom."

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