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T'Challa sits on his throne surrounded by the Tribal Elders, Ramonda, Shuri, Okoye, the Dora, and me.

"Is this man Wakandan or not?" the River Tribe Elder asks as he's crouched in front of T'Challa

"Tell us what is going on." the Mining Tribe Elder says in Wakandan from her seat.

Shuri places her hand on T'Challa's arm. I place a hand on my bump as I stand next to Shuri, in between her and Ramonda. Luka is next to me, clinging to my other hand.

W'Kabi escorts Killmonger in. W'Kabi tensely steps next to T'Challa as Killmonger takes his place before the circle.

"Speak," T'Challa says in Wakandan.

"Speak," W'Kabi says translating for Killmonger.

"I'm standing in your house." Killmonger says "Serving justice to a man who stole your vibranium and murdered your people. Justice your King couldn't deliver."

T'Challa walks close enough to Killmonger to whisper to him, with Okoye following, flipping her spear as the other Dora members walk down the stairs.

"I don't care that you brought Klaue, the only reason I don't kill you where you stand is because I know who you are ..." T'Challa says to him "now what do you want?"

"I want the throne," Killmonger says as he looks around the room.

The entire room scoffs at this. Some elders even hold their heads back and laugh.

"My goodness." Mining Tribe Elder says in Wakandan, amused.

"Y'all sittin' up here comfortable." Killmonger says, "Must feel good. There's about 2 billion people all over the world that looks like us but their lives are a lot harder. Wakanda has the tools to liberate them all."

"And what tools are those?" T'Challa asks.

"Vibranium." Killmonger tells him "Your weapons."

"Our weapons will not be used to wage war on the world." T'Challa tells him "It is not our way to be judge, jury, and executioner for people who are not our own."

"Not your own?" Killmonger asks "But didn't life start here, on this continent? So ain't all people your people?"

"I am not King of all people. I am King of Wakanda." T'Challa says, "And it is my responsibility to make sure our people are safe and that vibranium does not fall into the hands of a person like you."

The elders murmur at Killmonger's disrespect. They wait to see how T'Challa will respond.

"But you let that monster in here," Killmonger points at me, "she doesn't belong here. Do you even know what she is or what she has done?"

I let my eyes glow my phoenix color, the fire-like crackles showing on my face and neck, only letting part of me show, resisting the urge to fully transform as I look at him.

"I belong here," I tell him, my accent coming out thick and I show him my War Dog tattoo "my mother saved T'Chaka's life, and he offered us sanctuary when we needed it, he and Ramonda adopted me when she was killed when I was fourteen. I took a War Dog assignment to find out the truth right after and as it seems you know my past somehow, I'll correct your thinking. Hydra used me. I had no choice if I wanted to survive and to protect others." I snarl before going on "I was beaten and put into a coma then injected. I lost that baby while in the coma, then I was chained down and violated again. And then had a miscarriage before I was once again injected, resulting in my son. I escaped while pregnant and died twice while having him. I sacrificed myself to save him from Hydra and was raped then was used as a weapon and when they found out about my relationship with the man I love they punished us, they had me raped in front of him," Ma, Shuri, and T'Challa gasp, eyes wide at they look at me "they made him forget me then he got me out later once he managed to remember me. I was nothing to Hydra but a body to use for killing and breeding. They made me be a monster, give into that side of me. They turned me into a killer, making me give in to my monster side and kill or be killed or have the other women there I was trying to protect, killed. I'm not perfect and I regret the things I've done, though it wasn't totally my fault as I had no choice. You, on the other hand, seem to enjoy killing. So do not call me a monster when you are no better."

He gestures to my stomach. "You seem to have conceived this other one just fine. Seems like they didn't try long enough."

Shuri moves in front of me protectively as I keep Luka behind me, while T'Challa glares at him.

"Do not speak to my sister that way," T'Challa says to Killmonger. I can sense the anger radiating off of him, even though he's hiding it well from the others.

Then Ramonda suddenly speaks.

"Son, we have entertained this charlatan for too long." She tells T'Challa "Reject his request."

Killmonger eyes the Elders with an amused grin.

"Oh, I ain't requesting nothing!" He says to her, "Ask who I am?"

"You are Eric Stevens." Shuri says "An American black operative. A mercenary nicknamed Killmonger. That's who you are."

"That's not my name, Princess." Killmonger tells her laughing, then looks to T'Challa, "Ask me, King?"

"No," T'Challa replies.

"Ask me."

T'Challa turns and begins to walk away from Killmonger.

"Take him away." T'Challa orders. The guards move to grab him.

"Who are you?" the River Tribe Elder asks in Wakandan.

"I am N'Jadaka, son of Prince N'Jobu." Killmonger exclaims in Wakandan.

A hush falls over the room. The tribal elders knew N'Jobu. This changes everything.

"The son of N'Jobu?" the Mining Tribe Elder asks in Wakandan, confused.

"I found my daddy with Panther claws in his chest." Killmonger exclaims, "You ain't the son of a King you're the son of a murderer!"

"You're lying!" Ramonda says in Wakandan, stepping forward.

"Lies." Ramonda then exclaims in English.

"I'm afraid not, Queen Mother," W'Kabi says to her and everyone looks at him.

W'Kabi produces Killmonger's gold necklace and ring. Holding it up for everyone to see. Gasps fill the room as the elders look at it. Ramonda holds out her hand and W'Kabi walks forward with the ring.

"The descendant of N'Jobu." the Mining Tribe Elder says in Wakandan.

"Hey, Auntie," Killmonger says to Ramonda as W'Kabi drops the ring in Ramonda's hand. "I'm exercising my blood right to challenge for the mantles of King and Black Panther."

Utter silence as all eyes turn to T'Challa. T'Challa seems to desperately want to refuse but knows that isn't possible.

"Do not do this, T'Challa," Ramonda tells T'Challa as she walks to stand in front of him.

"As the son of N'Jobu, he is within his rights." the Border Tribe Elder says.

"He has no rights here." Ramonda seethes.

"The challenge would take weeks to prepare." the River Tribe Elder says as T'Challa moves away.

"Weeks?" Killmonger asks "I don't need weeks. The whole country ain't gotta be there, I just need him ... and somebody to get me out of these chains."

T'Challa sits on the throne, looking at the ring as Killmonger speaks. I look at him anxiously, hoping he won't do it because I don't want to see my brother in another fight to the death.

"T'Challa, what do you know of this?" Ramonda asks, looking at her son.

"I accept your challenge," T'Challa tells Killmonger and my heart sinks, fear and anxiety filling my heart, knowing this could end badly.

W'Kabi looks at T'Challa closely.

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