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It's been a week of living in our little hut, Bucky's been doing well, other than the nightmares, but we both get them. Luka's been great as well, and I've started his education. My mama home-schooled me for years, mainly because we were on the run, but that won't be my kids' lives. I sit outside the hut in a black tank top and leggings and boots. My knees pulled up to my chest, as far as they can with my bump, my arms draped across them. I look up as Bucky walks over to me and places his hand on my shoulder. Luka is taking a nap, which I'm surprised he still will, but I'm glad he will. For now, I know he'll grow out of it, eventually. All kids do.

"Are you alright, doll?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say without looking at him.

"Doll," he says. He knows I'm hiding something.

I sigh. "I have to tell you something."

Bucky looks at me, concerned, as he sits next to me. "What is it?"

I look down and rub a hand over my bump. "Since I'm part vampire, there is a chance, that is, if I try to give birth naturally, I could bleed out and it could kill me."

Bucky looks at me, stunned. "W-what?"

"Vampires, for some reason, have a hard time giving birth naturally. They bleed out, so they have to have c-sections."

Bucky swallows, "Does Shuri know?"

I nod. "She knows. I know I should have told you sooner, but I'm scared, Bucky. I'm so fucking scared. I died with Luka, twice. I started to bleed out when I tried to give birth naturally, then when we went for the c-section, I'd already lost too much blood and died twice. I'm just so scared that will happen again."

I break down crying and he pulls me to him. "Shhh, shhh, it's going to be ok, doll. We'd never let anything happen to either of you."

"I love you, James."

Bucky smiles and kisses my head, "I love you too Nadya,"


I watch Bucky take care of the goats as I sit under the nearby tree. Luka is next to me, drawing. I smile as I feel my daughter kick against me. I rub my hand over my stomach.

Luka looks at me. "Is my sissy ok?" he asks.

I nod, "She's kicking," I tell him.

He looks at me wide-eyed. "Can I feel?" he asks and I nod and place his small hand where his sister is kicking.

"Whoa!" Luka exclaims.

Bucky comes over to us, "Are you three alright?" he asks.

I nod. "Yeah, she's kicking. He's feeling and doodling. How are the goats today?"

Bucky smiles again. "They're fine, I'm going to finish up a few things then clean up a bit and we can cuddle ok?"

I smile. "Alright."

I watch as Bucky grins before going back to work. I always feel bad because he's doing all the work around here while I sit and watch or draw with Luka, but he insists on me just relaxing as I'm pregnant.


Later Bucky and I are cuddling in bed, his arm around me. I smile as he places a light kiss on my shoulder. Luka had wanted to lay in his own bed so that's where he is now.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks as his hand rubs over my bump.

"I thought about names for our daughter a while ago. I just haven't run them by you yet but I'm worried you'd hate them or the idea."

Bucky sighs and sits up a bit to look at my face. "What are they?"

I sigh. "I thought about maybe Natalia Winnifred or Rebecca Zoya or any variation you'd rather, like maybe Zoya Winnifred or Rebecca Natalia or-"

Bucky cuts off my slight rambling with a kiss. "I like either one, but we still have some time to finalize our choice. And thank you."

I look at him confused. "For what?"

"For including people I loved, you didn't have to but, thank you."

I cup his cheek. "She's your daughter too, she deserves to have a piece of your family as much as mine."

Bucky smiles and kisses me sweetly. "I love you."

"I love you too," I reply.

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