Chapter 95: Dear Stranger (Part 1)

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I had always thought I was boringly normal.

Beloved ones getting caught and put away like animals was something that affected every family I knew. Disappearances were all over both the news and gossip among traditional humans. Teens trying to graduate from high school and rushing to get both a job and a partner with whom to procreate to make the doctors in the BioSolutions Centre happy.

That used to be me – except for that last part about procreation, of course. I never stood out but for my passion for bikes and mechanics.

My red alarm clock was only supposed to be a family heirloom. Apart from that, we had assumed that my grandmother's disappearance had been arbitrary. Either that or a selfish act from a woman who felt like having a family was too burdensome.

How was I supposed to know that I was special beyond anybody else in the whole world because of my connection to Agape's mentor, who was also my grandmother?

It felt too surreal to me. My life had become a hectic ride, and the suspension provided by my factory settings wasn't adequate in the least fur such a bumpy ride.

I proceeded to read the letter. Sigi was standing by my side, and I let him read it too.

 Sigi was standing by my side, and I let him read it too

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Dear stranger,

I ask for a moment of your attention. If you have found this tablet and this letter, it is because I was seeking comfort among strangers. Although it might sound confusing or pathetic, this is how my life has turned out to be as of late.

Loneliness is feasting on the rational side of my brain as much as the toxins in the Neon Sea prey upon everything that dares to swim in it. Its aggressiveness knows no bounds, like that of those people who have either hurt me or left me. Only the bitterness I feel when I say those words pushes me to acknowledge that I had once left someone I loved behind – but my reasons to do so were based on kindness, not selfishness.

My husband and my daughter. I miss them beyond anything you might imagine, but I cannot afford to put them in danger.


The answer is simple: I am dangerous. I have always been and I shall always be until the day I die, and even beyond the grave. That is the kind of power I harness, for even when I am long gone, the consequences of what I have done and what I shall do will still have a huge impact on our world.

Because I wanted to make a difference. I made a mistake, and I am seeking atonement at the highest level. When my noble aim shall come to life, no more tears shall be shed but those of joy. No more infected wounds shall hurt our society. I want to change the world, my friend.

However, I cannot carry on with my task without your help. You, dear stranger, are the help that I seek. I kindly ask you to lend me some minutes of your time, but most importantly, your hope for a better future. In spite of that, our journey together will not be free of danger.

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