Part One

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The faint noise was driving me insane. I didn’t know where it was coming from, but whatever it was, I was about to take drastic measures to make it stop. Like maybe with my fist?

I opened my eyes, expecting to be in my double bed with the purple polka dot sheets, and the white iron frame, my alarm clock blaring next to me.

But I wasn’t. I was in white sheets, and the bed was clearly not my own.

‘The hell?’ I thought, turning my head slightly. It hurt just to move my neck, and I quickly scrunched my eyes shut to dull the pain.

Opening them again, I trained my eyes on the far wall of the room. It was a light almond color, with a boring painting of a tree.

‘Where am I?’

I turned my head as far to the side as I could, willing the pain away. There was someone sleeping in a chair beside my bed. I didn’t recognize them and I immediately wondered why they were there.

“Oh you’re up!” a bright voice said.

Startled I turned my head to the other side to see a woman stood before me in scrubs. My head screamed in pain as I did so and I closed my eyes again.

“Just relax,” she said, “I’ll get the doctor.”
I tried to open my mouth to speak, but I couldn’t. I had no idea where I was, or why, and I was seriously starting to freak out.
“Babe!” a male voice said to my side. I opened my eyes again to stare up at the guy who’d been sleeping. “Oh god, you’re ok!” He didn’t touch me, but he looked like he wanted to.

I had no idea who he was, but he seemed faintly familiar, like I’d seen him somewhere or something.

Another man came into the room, hovering over me with a pair of spectacles on. “Jessica can you hear me?”

I nodded as best I could, my head still aching.

“You were in an accident,” he said, “You’ve broken your arm and you hit your head pretty hard.”

I stared at him, my heart beating fast. I had no recollection of the accident at all. This was starting to get seriously scary.

“Can you speak?”

I tried again, but then shut my mouth. It was so dry and everything about it hurt.

“Don’t stress yourself,” the doctor said, “We’ll get you some water and you should rest. We’ll try again later.”

I continued to stare at him, I felt on the verge of tears but they were nowhere to be found. The nurse gave me some water and another round of painkillers and I fell back to sleep. The guy that was in my room didn’t move an inch from his seat. He didn’t touch me, but he sat and looked at me intently, worry etched on his face.

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