Part Fifty-Two

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“Babe shut your mouth,” Aston laughed.

“I can’t!! This place is incredible! The water is so blue!”

“It’s pretty damn amazing,” Aston agreed, wrapping his arm around me, “I’m glad we finally found time for a honeymoon.”

“So am I… Although I do blame you,” I grinned.

Aston rolled his eyes at me, kissing my head gently. We were walking down a long wooden pier, impossibly blue water surrounding us and the hot Tahitian sun beating down. Bora Bora was actually the most perfect place I’d ever been.

“And this is your beach house,” the porter said, stopping at the last straw hut on the pier. He produced a key card and opened the door, holding it for us as we slipped in.

“Wow,” I sighed, going straight for the back deck. We were literally on stilts over the ocean, the blue water sparkling. “This is fake right?”

“No, it’s amazing,” Aston said, his hand wrapping around my waist. We stood and stared at the water for a minute and then he steered me into the hut so we could have a look around.

It was ideal in its luxury and simplicity. A huge king bed with white bed coverings and a white awning looking impossibly gorgeous against the wood paneling of the room. The main room had a small kitchenette and a comfy looking sofa. The best part, though, was the huge deck overlooking the water. It had a small pool and a hammock.

“Thank god we’re booked here for two whole weeks,” I grinned, watching another porter drag in our bags.

“Seriously,” Aston said, checking to make sure the porter was gone, “Especially because we’re going to spend the first 48 hours totally locked away.”

“Woah, what?” I said, taking in his cheeky look.

“Aww babe, you know what I’m talking about,” Aston grinned.

“And you think I’ve got 48 hours in me?” I laughed.

“I know you’ve got it in you.”

I felt my cheeks blush red, ignoring him as I dragged my suitcase over to a corner and unzipped it. I spent a few minutes digging through the new bikinis I’d bought myself, pulling out my black one and throwing it on the bed.

“I’m jumping in the ocean,” I declared.

“From the deck?”

“The guy said I could.”

Aston grinned at me as I swiped my bikini off the bed and went into the spacious en suite.

“It has an outdoor shower!” I yelled.

“My wife is not showering for all to see!” Aston called back.

“It’s hidden,” I said when I came out, my hands on my hips, “Gosh Ast! Protective already?”

“You’re basically my property now,” he grinned.

My jaw dropped as he said this, even though he had a joking smile on his face and in his eyes.

“Let’s go, ocean,” I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him out on the deck. He’d changed while I was exploring the en suite and soon we were back out in the hot Tahitian sun. “You’re going in first,” I declared, “For that comment.” Practically pushing him, he went off the end of the deck, splashing loudly into the water whilst still performing a flip. Idiot.

“Oh my god this is perfect,” Aston said, surfacing and treading water, “Jump in.”

I grinned and jumped in after him. The water was super warm and crazy clear. “I think I love this more than you,” I grinned as I swam over to Aston.

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