Part Fifty-Eight

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I could have stayed in the pool with Aston all night, caught up in our little lovey world. It was so easy and comfortable between us that I didn’t have a doubt in my mind that this guy was in fact my soulmate. No one else could have filled his shoes, ever.

“You’re pruney,” Aston laughed after a while, his hand untangling one of mine from around his neck. He showed me how my fingers had started to get wrinkly, his nose crinkled as he tried not to laugh.

“We’ve been in here for ages.”

“So much for a quick dip,” Aston smiled, his nose gently nuzzling against my cheek as we stayed close to one another.

“I guess we can get out,” I sighed, “We do have kind of an early morning.”

“Don’t remind me.”

“Too late,” I grinned, pulling my limbs away from Aston and swimming over to the steps. I climbed out of the pool and ran to grab my towel. The temperature outside had decreased dramatically since we’d gotten in the pool and now it was quite chilly.

“I call the shower first!” Aston said as he let us into our flat.

“No fair!”

“I’d invite you to join me but…” he started, before snapping his mouth shut.

“Not yet.”

“No, you’re right,” he said, “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, just get your shower done so I can get mine, it’s freezing!” I told him, trying to avoid a tense moment. I shoved him towards the bathroom wrapping my towel around me tight to keep warm.

I’d thought about it, for a split second I actually considered jumping in the shower with Aston. But it was too soon for me. He’d said it had taken a few months for us to get that far originally, and I could see it going the same this time. I was only just starting to love him and trust him again. There was no reason to push it.

When he was done I quickly rinsed off, pulling on some warm pajamas and brushing out my hair.

“Climb in, I got you a hot drink,” Aston said, nodding towards the steaming mug of tea beside the bed.

I grinned at him, jumping on the bed as I slipped under the covers. I was still a bit cold, but it didn’t take long for the hot tea to warm me up.

As I sat in bed, Aston flicked channels on the TV, eventually settling on a film that was starting. Carefully he flicked out the light and leaned back into bed, balancing his own mug of tea as he tried to get comfortable.

“Ast?” I said quietly, watching him turn the volume down on the film.


“You ok?”

“Why wouldn’t I be ok?” he asked.

“Just wondering,” I shrugged.

“Are you ok?”

“I think so.”

“What’s up Jess?” he asked, turning to look at me. I set my drink down on the side, slipping down into the bed like he was.

“I don’t know,” I sighed, “I just hope this isn’t so awkward for you.”

“Why would you think that? Is it because of what I said before?” Aston asked.

“Yes. No. Maybe…” I replied, “I just don’t want to seem like I’m not giving you what you want.”

“Babe!” Aston laughed, grabbing my hand and pressing his lips against it, “You’re giving me everything I could ever dream of! Hell, I could be divorced and living in some small place alone right now, but you’re still here.”

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