Part Forty-Eight

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“How come you get the main bedroom?” Aston whined, the pair of us standing in the landing at the top of the stairs.

“Because!! I need more room to get ready tomorrow.”


“The main bedroom is the biggest!”

“So you’re making me get ready in a smaller room? That’s not fair!” Aston complained.

“Why are you fighting me on this?” I grinned.

“I just don’t wanna sleep in the spare room,” Aston moaned.

“Well you can’t sleep in the same room as me!!”

“Stupid wedding rituals,” he sighed.

“Stupid? I don’t want our marriage cursed or something.”

“But babeee….” Aston whined.

“Just stop!” I laughed, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly and hugging him.

“It’s just not fair.”

“I think you can last one night babe,” I said, “And I’m just across the hall.”

“That’s what makes it worse!” he laughed, wrapping an arm around me too.

“You’ll be fine,” I grinned, kissing him quickly, “Anyways, won’t it make tomorrow night even better?”

“Tomorrow night is going to be fucking amazing regardless,” Aston replied with a cheeky smile.

Rolling my eyes at him I said goodnight and shut myself away in the main bedroom. Wandering over to the big window that overlooked the back garden I felt the butterflies in my stomach. A pretty arch with flowers was set up at the back of the garden, a few rows of chairs facing it.

We were getting married tomorrow in our back garden.


Grinning to myself I went into the en suite to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. There was no way in hell I was actually going to get any sleep, but I was going to try.

Two hours later I was still buzzing with excitement. Slipping out of bed I went to my wardrobe and dragged out the dress hanging at the back. I was so excited to wear it the next day, so much so that I nearly slipped it on that moment to try and sleep in.


Twelve hours later and I was a married lady. The ceremony was small and intimate, only our closest friends and family in attendance. We didn’t want to make a huge spectacle out of it, which is why we chose to do it in our back garden. Also because we loved our new home so much, we thought it was only fitting that we used it as a backdrop for the most important event in our lives.

“Love you,” Aston whispered in my ear as we stood side by side, plates of food in our hands as we enjoyed a backyard barbecue.

“Love you too,” I grinned, kissing him. There were hoots and cheers as we kissed, and soon we were thrown into the middle of our guests for our first dance. The music in the stereo system we’d set up in our backyard pumping loudly. It was everything I dreamed of for my wedding day, just a backyard barbecue with all my friends and family.

As the sun went down we switched on the lanterns that were hanging from the trees in the back garden, the music continuing to blare as the drinks started flowing and our guests let loose a little more.

“Hey Ast,” I said, grabbing his arm gently.


“Can I steal you for a little bit? Before we drink too much and things get silly?”

“Sure, what’s up?” he said.

“I wrote you a new song,” I smiled, “For today.”

“Awww…” he grinned, kissing me quickly.

“Come on,” I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him into the house. I took him to the Conservatory, flicked on the fairy lights, and sat down at the piano with Aston sitting next to me. “I’m going to start from the beginning,” I said, laying my hands on the keys.

As I started to play I felt Aston’s hand on my back gently, rubbing small circles. “I know this,” he whispered.

“This is the one I wrote about us for my recital, remember?”

“That’s the first time we said we love each other,” Aston replied.

“Yup,” I grinned, continuing to play.

When I finished the first part I stopped and took a breath before starting in on the second part.

“And this you wrote for our first anniversary,” Aston said, “I definitely remember that.”

“You’re catching on,” I said.

“And the third part is our wedding?” he whispered.


I started in on the third part. It was something totally new that I’d written for our wedding. It was light and fast and extremely fun to play. It reminded me of our awesome backyard barbecue that was still going full blast.

“This is incredible,” Aston whispered as I hit the best section, my fingers dancing over the keys.

“I’m a little bit in love with it,” I grinned, leaning past Aston so I could get to the far keys.

As I finished up, I pulled my hands off the keys, caught by surprise when Aston put his hand on my neck and pulled me towards him for a hot kiss.

“I fucking love you,” he whispered against my lips, “More than anything.”

“I love you too,” I grinned, kissing him again.

“Do we really have to go back out to the party?” Aston asked, “I don’t really want to.”

“Come on!” I laughed, grabbing his hand and dragging him off the piano bench.

Outside the party was going full blast, the boys getting rowdy as they talked Aston into a round of jager bombs.

I grinned at them as a friend of ours approached me with a fancy digital camera in her hand. “I want to show you this,” she said, showing me the screen of the camera.

“Oh wow,” I breathed out, peering down at the picture.

It was like a dream, the fairy lights of the conservatory giving a soft glow as Aston and I sat side by side at the piano. You couldn’t see our faces, but Aston’s hand resting gently on my back was enough to show just how much in love we were. It was a completely candid moment, but it was perfect.

“I want this for my front room,” I said.

“Of course.”

I grinned at her and then wandered over to Aston, whispering in his ear about the picture before kissing his neck gently.

Working on that song meant the world to me, and it meant everything to our relationship. And now I had photographic evidence to prove it.

As we consummated our marriage in the master bedroom, late that night, I was already starting to get inspired for the fourth part of the song. Aston’s hands were sliding down my body, massaging it sensually, and each kiss was hotter and more lustful than the previous. My spine tingled just at the thought of spending the rest of my life with him. This was it. This was us.

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