Part Seventy-Five

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I woke up the next morning to a fresh sunny day. It seemed fitting to my current state of mind, so many revelations had come to light the night before and I was ready for a new start.

“Morning babe,” Aston yawned, his hand stroking up my top and resting on my rib cage just under my breast.

“Hi,” I said, raising my chin so I could smile up at him.

“You doing ok today?”


“You’re sure?” Aston asked, “A lot happened yesterday and last night. This morning even…”

“I know, I’m ok,” I said.

“That’s my girl,” Aston grinned, leaning in to peck my lips carefully.

“You know I meant every word I said last night,” I told him, “And I mean every single one.”

“I know,” Aston said, “I meant every word too.”

I sighed softly, running a finger down his torso as I replayed our conversations in my head. All of a sudden I was really into the idea of having a baby. Maybe it was the near death experience I’d had… but I really wanted to bring new life to the world. With Aston.

“I have something really special planned for today,” Aston said after a few minutes of companionable silence, “But I’m not sure if you’d be interested after everything that happened yesterday. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to stick around here or head home.”

“What do you have planned? I don’t mind staying.”

“Well there is this really pretty sort of secret garden,” Aston said, “I purposefully walked you in the opposite direction yesterday.”


“Yeah, last time we were here it was kind of grown over, but there are all sorts of flowers and there’s a picnic table back there. I thought maybe we could get a picnic together and spend the day out there, it looks like one of the last warm days of the year.”

“I’d love that,” I grinned.

“Thought you might,” Aston replied, stroking my back one last time before nudging me out of bed.

With a blush I climbed out of the covers and went to my bag, pulling out the flowery dress Aston had told me to pack. It just seemed like the right thing to wear for a lovely warm fall day in a secret garden.

I sat at the stand-up piano as Aston got the picnic together, picking at the keys and trying to remember my songs. I wasn’t quite there yet, but I had hope that it would come soon.

We’d slept in late enough to skip breakfast, so Aston grabbed a basket he’d found in the cottage and started to fill it with all sorts of things we’d picked up at the shops on our way to the cottage. I was starting to be suspicious that he’d planned this all along because he had all sorts of lovely cheeses and breads to bring, as well as a bottle of champagne.

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