Part Thirty-Six

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“I can’t believe I’ve agreed to this,” I laughed as I dragged my huge suitcase down the stairs.

“You can always change your mind,” Aston said.

“No!” I replied, “I don’t want to!”

“A month isn’t that long,” he shrugged, “I’m sure it’ll fly by.”

“Oh it will. I just feel bad that I’m sort of neglecting my students.”

“You’ve figured out how to do lessons over Skype,” Aston replied, “Sort of.”

“It’ll have to do,” I replied with a giggle, “Now let me go check that I’ve got everything.”

The truth was, teaching piano over Skype was probably going to fail miserably, but I didn’t care. I knew I was being a bit reckless and crazy, agreeing to go with Aston while he worked in LA, but it sounded a hell of a lot better than staying behind in London by myself. I was bringing one of my keyboards, and the plan was start working on some new music while he spent time in meetings and the studio.

“Ready?” Aston asked as I came back down stairs.

“Yup!” I grinned, “Ohh I’m so excited!”

“You’re lucky my work is somewhere nice and not in the snow or something.”

“Pool time is a must.”

“Just as long as you get some work done,” Aston teased.

“And you!”

He winked at me, wrapping an arm around my waist in a soft hug. “Cars here,” he whispered in my ear, kissing the tip of it before releasing me.

I grinned at him, giving him a quick kiss and then grabbing my shoulder bag and suitcase. “LA here we come!”

We loaded up the car and then headed off to Heathrow, our driver helping us load up our things on a cart when we arrived.

“Sunglasses on!” I laughed as I spotted a flash.

“Paps are here?”

“Yup,” I said, pushing some hair out of my face.

“Isn’t it kind of a boring story?” Aston asked me as we waited in line to check-in for our flight, “I mean, they have no idea where we’re going! It’s just a snap of us at an airport.”

“Ohhh crazy!” I giggled, wrapping my hands around his waist and giving him a sloppy kiss.

After a few minutes wait we got to the front of the line, checking our bags and getting our boarding passes. After a quick stop through security we were in the business lounge, waiting for our flight to be called.

“I’m glad you’re coming,” Aston said, his arm around my shoulder as we shared a sofa.

“Me too.”

“For real, it’s so nice to have you with me. Usually I miss home when I’m away, but if you’re with me… I can’t think of much to miss.”

“Cutie,” I giggled, kissing his cheek.

“Guys stop being so gross!” Marvin said, sitting down across from us.

“Sorry!” I laughed, pulling away from Aston just enough to flash Marvin a bright smile.

“It’s great you got off work for the next month Jess,” Marvin grinned.

“I’m going to attempt to teach lessons over Skype!” I laughed.

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