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 The Wedding


The big day.

I finished putting on the last of the little flowers in my braided up do, which obviously I didn't do myself. Elaine hired a makeup artist and hairdresser to get hers and the bridesmaids' hair and makeup done. I looked in my mirror and smoothened out any creases on my very light baby blue gown. It was a beautiful color and I loved the flowy material that looked like it was dancing as I walked. The gown had a v-neck with a halter strap and showed my back exposed, but just the right amount. 

"Ready to see the bride Charis?"

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"Ready to see the bride Charis?"

I perked my head to the door to see Marco dressed in a light blue suit with a white shirt and a similar colored bow-tie.

"Ready if you are, you look nice"

"Yeaaa but you outdid me" he winked.

"Where's Alina?"

"She's getting her hair done in Mom's room so we'll just head there"

We were at the Mulberry Hotel Plaza, the venue where the wedding was being held. We stayed the night in the hotel, Alina and I in a room, Marco got a room to himself and Elaine and Papa took one of course. 

We were heading down to the green room assigned for bride's and grooms to get ready before they get shifted to the hall. We pressed the elevator button and put our room card over the pass key. The doors closed and it was silent. Other than the crappy music they put in elevators.

"So...our parents are getting married" Marco spoke breaking the silence as he leaned against the side, his hands pocketed.

"Mark, you don't have to talk to break the awkward silence"

"It's like you always were my sister"

I smiled at that. He was sweet, and I knew I was lucky to have him as my brother...but I try not to get too attached. You never know when your going to be hurt.

The doors opened and we made our way down to the green rooms. I opened the great white door with gold knobs on the left of the hall.

"Mom!" Marco almost screamed.

"Wow..." I breathed.

She looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Thank you Charis, Marco". I guess I said that out loud. She got up from her stool and her bridesmaids made way for her to get up and make her way towards us, seemed like a hard task though with that poofy gown and long veil.

"You ready sweeties?" she said, taking on of our hands into each of hers.

We all looked at each other and the two of us answered in unison.

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