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"Whoops, sorry about that"

I groan as my head hits something and woke me up from my slumber. I felt weightless because I was being lifted by Jonah somewhere in the dark. My eyes began to adjust and I saw that this was a house. But it wasn't mine.

He began to slowly dip me down as we reached a room. My butt hit the soft mattress and the rest of my body slowly fell out of his grip. Still, in my drowsy state, I just flipped around to my side and cuddled into my fetus position. 

"Hey" he whispered, slowly shaking me.

"Hm," I hummed too lazy to speak words.

"Do you want to change into something more comfortable?"

The skirt was a little stiff and uncomfortable around my thighs, I figured if I'll be moving around in my sleep a lot it's best if I changed.

Fighting my sleep to hold for a while, I get up and let my legs dangle out the edge of the bed with my hands supporting my weight from behind me.

"I have a pair of sweats, it could be a little big on you but you can adjust the lace"

I just looked at his glistening eyes through the dim black and grey of my vision. I can make out its different hue even in the dark. He got up and grabbed something from his wardrobe and tossed it to me.

I casually began to unzip my skirt to put on the pants.

"Wow wait-" he put his hands in front and turns back like an innocent child.

"Please. Everyone's gonna see more than this tomorrow anyway" I sighed and put on the pants before curling up again, this time I put the blanket over.

His footsteps made their way to me. Though my back was turned I could feel his presence, this weird energy he gave off that I was slowly drinking unintentionally. I craved it. 

He pulled his blanket over me to tuck it over my shoulders so I was all wrapped up. I snuggled under it more from the comfort of being cared about, even though I know it wouldn't last long enough.

"Good night Charis"

"Wait where are you going?" I say my eyes still shut.

"I'm going to take the couch"

"N-no" I grab his wrist and hold him there. I don't know where this was coming from, but I just let myself do it because I didn't have any energy left to control myself.

"Stay," I tell him.

His hand tried to shake out of my grip. I heard him keep telling himself something but I couldn't hear what it was. Eventually, he sighed hard and gave up.

He moved to the other side of the bed and dipped under the sheets. He stayed at a good distance on his side, like he was afraid to hurt me.

I opened my eyes and peered into his. He's watching me intently, trying to decipher something from my head because he knows I wouldn't say what was on it out.

"Come closer your gonna fall"

"It's ok I'm fine"

"Don't be stupid"

"I should take the couch" he tried to get out but I catch hold of him again.

"No don't go- I need you"

Something clicked in his head with those three words. That was all I needed to sit for him to come to me and bring me to his chest, coddling me in his arms as my nose dived into his muscular apple scent.

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