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The First Argument


I got home after school.

Ok that's not it.

Carter dropped me home. On his BMW

Totally not screaming inside my head.

It was just so sudden. It was after class and we kind of got pretty close pretty fast so he decided, instead of having to skate all the way home, why don't I go on a ride in his car!

I rejected the offer many times but he didn't give up. So....I went for it.

Not because I like him or anything, pssh hell no....

But he was being so nice and so interested like no one before. No one's ever taken notice of me, or even try to be so friendly with me to the point their your true friend.

I may or may not have stolen a few glances at him, but I'm sure I didn't get caught. His eyes were trained on the road. I loved watching how the muscles in his jaw twitched ever so often, sending shivers on my arms.

"Ok, we're here" he tells me as he pulls the clutch to park.

I look out and sigh as I realize the silent ride felt a little disappointing, considering he barely talked or glanced my way. Maybe he's just my friend and felt pity for me now that I look at it.

"Thank you" I say shooting him a very bland smile. I pick my bag up which I placed on my feet and turned to open the door when he grabbed my elbow. I turn to him confused. It was at this moment I, for the first, experienced something that was so normal to people in general, but new to me since I've never had it for years.

His soft lips crashed onto my cheek, setting my cheek on fire instantly. I stare at him, my mouth slightly opened in shock of what just happened. It was hard to put together and process and my body just stopped talking to my brain.

"Bye" he spoke in this low caressing tone that just made a flower grow in my gut.

Or a venus fly trap.

Or a pitcher plant.

Whatever it was, it like gnawing on my stomach.

"I- um- uh-thank y-I already said that, I- so-BYE!" I dash out the door and run into the house.

That just happened.

Is that considered a first kiss?

I ran into the house embarrassed and shut the door instantly and lean behind it with my hands tucked back. My eyes maybe looking at my feet but my mind was someplace else.

A smile crept on my face as I replayed the moment in my head...until the part I stammered and made a fool out of myself.

Yea, mental facepalm.

It was so weird to smile. I could feel the muscles around my mouth stretch out for the first time in a long time. It felt like I was breaking rust, though I've never broken rust. But if I was an iron nail, I'd know that feeling.

And it was indeed freeing.

"Honey, is that you?"

My smile died down again. Seriously ever time something good happens to me, there has to be something that kills it down.

"No it's just me Elaine"

"Oh dear you got home pretty fast"

"Yea...I had a friend drop me"

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