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A few things to go through before reading this book.....

Do note that plagiarism or plagiarising any piece of work done by the author of any book is highly discouraged and unacceptable by the Code of Conduct of Wattpad, therefore please do not copy the work or any part in this written piece.

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Now dear readers, here's a few ways you can go about reading this book. This is completely optional and up to your choice, these are just ways I suggest using to enhance your reading experience.

1) As you read the story, do imagine the characters, the scene and the objects stated according to the description provided with the text if you want to understand the story from the view of the author. Again, it is completely up to you how you'd like to view it as, it isn't a compulsion to imagine it the same way as I have described them.

2) I would love to help you exaggerate the fun in reading this story, but I can't do it without your help! So please feel free to point out any grammatical or spelling errors in the story I may have missed. I am also very open to constructive criticism, so do leave plenttyyy of suggestions and tips or point out the areas I could have written better.

3)Do communicate with others reading this story. It's really nice to see people relate and talk about the actions of the characters in the story! But please note, do be nice and don't spread hate. If someone said something that was offensively directed to you, please refrain from creating chaos in the comment section by arguing back and forth. I cannot be held accountable for it, but I can warn you readers to mind your language as you speak about others. But feel free to swear at the characters, you ain't hurting nobody there! 

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