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The First Day


I woke up again...this time at 2:16 A.M. Thirsty, sweating, crying, hyperventilating. I felt pressure in my chest that I just couldn't get off me. The same nightmare...the same feeling. No matter how many times I've experienced it, it always felt new again. 

This has to have an end.

I need to sleep.

Once again I slip onto my sneakers, black jeans and a crop top with the black jacket I wore earlier and slip out with my skateboard. I rode away in a different direction this time. The street lights were still on and illuminating the deserted concrete roads. The trees were wavering, but they looked deeper and more mysterious than your typical coniferous beauty. I skated for what felt like 15 minutes until I reached a lonely 24 hour Mini Mart that was the size of one you'd find at a petrol station.

"Shoppy Stop, supermarket and drugstore" I read the name. Pretty crappy name if you ask me, but for a mart at the middle of nowhere beside a road....it works.

I don't think many people come here, and it works 24/7. I open the white framed door of the shop and a ding sound almost startles me. It was on of those doors with a bell. I stuff my hands into my jacket's pockets and look around. On my right there were stacks of shelves creating isles of stuffs. From the looks of it, nothing seemed to be in their respective categories. I could tell from the chips being placed next to canned pineapples.

I turn to my left and I find a fairly old, round man with a moustache and a beard only around his chin in a white and red uniform, sitting in a chair behind his counter and snoring away with his arms resting on his big belly. I cleared my throat in attempt to see if that might shake him. 


Yep it didn't work. Then I tried to wake him up by slamming the paper weight before him with a loud thud. He stirred. Seriously? How can one not have woken from that.

I walked over to the end where the freezer items were placed. I opened the freezer and grabbed a big jug of milk and slapped it onto the desk, making it sound like I dropped a big box of fragile items on the floor. Still no luck. I'm not gonna lie, it was making me a little envious of him to be able to sleep like this.

So I decided to so something that should do the trick. Even if I might end up in jail.

"I'm gonna take your money old man" I sing-songed. No response. Dude had CCTV and still did nothing.

I opened the cashier and THAT'S when he decided to wake up.

"30% OFF ON CONDOMS WHAT" he shook awake.

What the fuck?

When he came to his senses he looked at me wide eyed, and then his eyes trailed down to where my arm reached out to the handle of his cashier. I quickly withdrew it from there.

"I tried to wake you up, and will ya look at that, it worked" I scratched the back of my neck.

He eyed me skeptically.

"What do you want?" his voice boomed at me.

"U-um I-I'd like some of the umm....th-the valium" he kind of made me stutter from the tone of his sound.

"Relax, I don't bite sugar" he turns on his chair and grabs a pack of something and slaps it onto the counter. When I look down I froze. My eyes bulged out of my sockets and I could feel my cheeks turn bright red. It was a pack of durex.

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