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Marco's POV

This has to end. It's been 4 days since we've properly seen her or had food with her.I know something's up with Charis. Something's going on with her but she never says anything or even talks to me for that matter. I tried my best bonding but ever since after the marriage, she's been so distant and so....mad.

I've noticed the way she looks at our father. She looks at him with so much anger and frustration like he did something. He sometimes speaks well of her, other times feel like he's passive-aggressive and I've seen it's only for her. I know what happened with her family, but I was also told not to tell her until it was time. I don't when that time is, but she doesn't exactly know the truth.

Last week was almost a mess if I hadn't made it home just as it happened. It was the first time in a very long time I heard my mom scream at her. I had never heard her so enraged, but I know she's been feeling very guilty about it. She wants to fix it badly, and she's tried but everything she tries doesn't work through the high walls Charis built around herself. I don't know if it's because she wasn't entirely happy with the idea of moving in with us, or if she's troubled by someone but because she's afraid to open up, she's putting it out on us. If only I had the ability to read through minds.

"Coco you good?"


"I said it's a green signal we can move now"

"Oh, right"

I hit the gas and shook my thoughts out of my head momentarily.

"Are you alright Marco?" Kent asks me as he sat beside me in the passenger seat.

"Nothing just....I'm a little worried about something"

Noticing my hesitance to talk about it, he didn't further press on the matter and nodded in understanding. Meanwhile the back seat was a whole other parade as usual.

"PUMPADAPUMMM PADAPUMPAPUM dhoom dhoom, PADAPAM PAM PAM PAM PAM PA PA PAM PADA PADA PAMMMMM PAM!" Denver imitated the 20th century pictures theme song.

"It is my great pleasure, to announce, the coronation, of Princess Alina of the Kingdom of the Backseats, to Alina Mionette Thermopolis Renaldi, Queen of the the Kingdom of the Backseat" Eli imitated the sound of one of the queen's guards.

"I pr- Queen Alina Mionette Thermopopolis Renaldi am honored to be a queen of the kingdom of the backseat. Now bow before me peasents!"

"Yes your royals highness" Denver and Eli began bowing their heads her way as she waved at absolutely no one.

"Alright Queen, slaves, the Kingdom of the Backseat, we're here" I said that as I parked into a spot.

"Nooo but where'd my prince?" she pouted.

"You don't need  prince when your a Queen Alina" I spoke as I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car.

Denver got her out and whispered something in her ear, making her giggle.

"I hope you didn't tell her anything she shouldn't be knowing right now Denver" I shot him the glare.

"Oh you overly protective brother Alina is my girl, stay out of our business"

"Yea coco, stay out of our business" she smirked and folded her hands at me.

"Is that how it is I see"

I picked her up and ran away with Denver following in pursuit.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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