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The fighting musician


I broke out of the gates and ran out of the school. Yes. That's how frustrated and insecure I was feeling that I ran out of school.

It's only the first day. And I'm bunking.

Papa's not gonna be happy to hear this. Let's hope the school is actually as shitty as it seems and it doesn't call up my parents saying that I skipped classes. I guess I'll just skip this next lesson and come back later.

I wandered off to the street behind the school so the guard doesn't see me pass through. After walking through a bit I found an alley cutting through between two buildings, with another street at the end of it. I stop and look through. If I were to continue walking the street I was currently on which looked safer than the alleyway, I'd end up at the front of the school building since it was a full round. So I took a decision.

 Clutching hard onto my bag strap, I walk through the deserted unknown, forbidden-looking alley, which had many graffiti art and cuss words written on the walls to probably spook the passerbys. The trash was overflowing out of the huge metal garbage disposals and the air around it was reeking of filth. I scrunched my nose in the distaste.

I was only 4 feet away when I heard some foot shuffling noises. Startled I turned behind to look who was there. I didn't see anyone.

Must've been a cat.

I took a deep breath in relief and continued walking further. There was at least 20 feet more to walk. I heard the shuffling again, but this time I didn't turn back. Convinced someone was following I quickened my pace. I put my hood up so I could calm myself down before. My hands began to shake so I crossed them tight to my chest. My breathing was starting to shake.

1 Mississippi....2 Mississippi...3 Mississippi...

Suddenly something grabbed my waist and a hand covered my mouth. I screamed and jerked, but my voice came muffled.

"Relax, it's just me" he laughed.

I calmed down at the recognition of the voice.

This idiot.

As soon as he let me go I punched his hard chest. The action was intended to hurt me, but instead made my fists red. I crossed my arms to cover it so he doesn't think he won this.

"What is wrong with you, you fucking scared me" I scolded him.

"You should be glad it was me and not some other dick. What are you doing sneaking out of school on your own? It's dangerous. You should be in class right now" he spoke with his hands digging out something from his pockets.

"I'm not the only one sneaking out right now and missing class" I fired back. He took out a cigarette and in one swift movement of his wrist, he lit it.

I hated smokers. Don't why they do it. It's like their on a suicide mission.

I scrunched my nose and turned to let him continue his business of stalking and smoking. I turned around and continued to walk out of the alleyway but a hand caught me by my forearm again.

"What now?" I ask him as he's making me angrier by the second.

"Where you headed?" he spoke blocking my path and smoking high into the air. But even through that, I caught the smell of that disgusting suicide stick.

"Wherever" I muttered.

He looked at me a while. While he was contemplating something in his mind, all I could do was try and avoid the smell of the cigarette, trying to breath and close my nostrils from the smoke all at once. 

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