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The First Girls Day



"Girl what is up with you today? This is like the fifth yawn!" Brielle exclaimed beside me in a whisper.

"Didn't sleep well" I muttered almost like dead zombie.

I was tired after my shift at Shoppy Stop. I didn't think I'd be this exhausted after work, but I can manage to pull through it. 

I pray on the energy bar in my bag and bad cafeteria food.

Knowing  I didn't want to be met in a situation of awkwardness, I dodged meeting Elaine in the morning and left for school earlier than she wakes up. I didn't really have the time to even properly nap but I guess it's better than ruining my new day.

But the worst part, I have to stay awake and ace this test I'm writing, while giving answers to an empty-headed Brielle at the same time trying not to get caught.


She tugs my jacket for the 5th time in the same minute.

"What's the 19th answer?"

"Haven't gotten there yet"

"Well hurry up!"

"I'm trying!"

I scribble down random things on my paper, whatever I could try and remember and pray that it was right. I thought AP English was easy, apparently not when your eyes keep closing every 5 seconds!

"Alright, turn your papers in everyone!"

Mr. Fletcher began snatching the paper of the desks of people, the groans of people getting louder and louder as he got closer and closer to my desk. I was writing the last two words I needed to write to disclose my sentence until it was rudely snatched and piled onto a messy bundle in his hands.

"Hey!" Brielle almost shouted with the sudden movement as she finally found her focus...at the last minutes of the test. 

Not even caring to acknowledge her or the fact that everyone's paper will be having the ink of their last words running out to the edge of the paper, he made his way to the desk and tapped the bundle to align them, before securing it neatly in a folder.


And that was the end of it. Everyone got out of the class and busied the hall with the usual.

"What do you have now?" Brielle asks me, ready to leave her class.


"Yikes, have fun with potion making poisons"

"Yea now it sounds much better"

Little does she know, chemistry sounded so much more fun now that there's someone in it.

Heheheh if I could just make a love potion.

"What are you smirking at?" she looks at me raising both her eyebrows although I'm pretty sure she only wanted to raise one.

"Mm nothin" I shrugged it off and joined the crowd heading out.

"Oh no that isn't nothing, that is 'something is about to happen and I can't wait' " she follows up behind me. I could feel myself on the verge of blushing and so I hid behind my hair.

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