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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

The day I dreaded the most finally came.

My alarm went off for the second time as I quickly sat up in my bed, gasping for air. I finally got my breathing under control. Ever since I was 14 I always woke up as if I was in a nightmare.  I shutted off the alarm and got out of bed, the cold air instantly brushed against my skin making me shiver. I walked towards the bathroom and turned on the lights, immediately blinding me as I rub my eyes trying to keep them open.

I finished getting ready and headed downstairs to see my father passed out on the couch, drunk as always. I went into the kitchen and got myself a bowl. While getting the cereal I tripped over a beer bottle making a loud sound. I froze in my tracks just the thought of dad waking up. I waited to hear if my father had woken up but there was pure silence that you can hear a pin drop.

I let out a quiet breath of being relieve. I poured the milk inside the bowl that contained my cereal. I sat on the table eating my cereal, pushing spoonfuls of cereal one after the other. I finally finished putting my bowl in the sink and grabbing my backpack. Getting ready to leave I passed by my dad and I shook my head in disbelief.

What happened to you.

I grabbed my keys and walked out of the house, closing the door behind me as I locked it. The school I attended was walking distance so there's no need to take a bus or drive there.

As I pass I saw a few teenagers around my age, assuming they go to my school. I looked down as I walked with my hood on only focusing on my shoes. I looked up to see where I was going when my eyes caught a boy around my age. He had dark fluffy hair with green eyes reminding me of the color emerald while his muscles shown through his white shirt. We looked at each other for another second until he broke eye contact when a girl came running up to him. He rolled his eyes clearly annoyed.

As they chatted I picked up my paced and finally reached my destination. I let out a breath of being worried about what everyone might think of me. I don't know anyone or anything around here.

I'm on my own.

I opened the door which led into the school. As I walked through the haul ways I felt all eyes on me. My hoodie slowly fell off when I looked up.

I finally made it to my class, I opened my door and walked straight to find my seat. I finally found it next to a desk marked Merikh. I didn't care as long I don't have to talk to anyone. I took out a book and already had my head buried in. Just then the door swung open, there stood the same guy I had made eye contact earlier, as everyone stared at him as if he was some God.

"Merikh Silk, your late go take your seat." The teacher already pissed having one of those types in her class.

As he rolled his eyes I realized that's the name beside my desk. Fuck you universe. I returned to my book clearly not giving a fuck. He sat down next to my chair, he looked at me while I tried to ignore him.

"So new girl, I'm Merikh" he said confidently with a little chuckle, while he reached out his hand ready for me to shake it.

"No shit Sherlock" I said coldly, still ignoring him my eyes glues to the book I was reading. He instantly wiped that smile off his face, clenching his jaw. While everyone burst into laughter. He shot everyone a death stare. Immediately after, no one was laughing or smiling. He looked back at me, leaning in next to my ear.

" Your going to regret that" he whispers

"I don't fucking care" I shot back, in a heartbeat his expression changed again as I rolled my eyes.


After my last class of the day, I swung open the two doors making a dramatic exit, with my headphones plunged in. I started walking with my head high compare to this morning. Everyone stared in awe while the popular girls also the biggest sluts in school, gave me nasty glares. I made eye contact with one, she looked back with confident until I held the eye contact not leaving, she quickly looked away while I rolled my eyes at how pathetic she was.

"Thats her" I heard a boy whispering to another.

I kept walking at the same pace until I saw Merikh making out with the main slut out of the sluts group. He looks over at me scanning me from head to toe, then a smirk forms. I rolled my eyes as I stuck up my middle finger. As I continued walking I heard everyone gasp.

A smirk formed on my face.

𝙀𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙃𝙞𝙢 |18+Where stories live. Discover now