
12.1K 126 12

*4 months later*

I jump up and down holding in my laugh with my hand over my mouth as I held the plane tickets in my hands.

The day I finally waited for, came.

I'm going to see Brenda!

For our mini vacation that Vincenzo finally let us have, everyone insisted they wanted to go back home and see their families and Brenda. Yes they wanted to see Brenda ever since I mention her.

The minute I realized I'm going to see her was the exact moment I pack my suitcase and was waiting by the door ready to leave.

Our flight is until tomorrow at five in the afternoon. Meanwhile everyone is just done with packing. "New York baby here I come again!" Charlotte kicks open the unlock door, with her index finger pointed at the ceiling as the other hand held onto her pink suitcase while she does her drunk walk to me.

"I just can't wait to see her again!" I jump up and down as she approaches me. "I know baby, it's been forever." She runs her hand through my hair before Jackson started hollering, ruining our moment.

Both of us roll our eyes as we approach his room. On top was Mia on his green suitcase trying to shut it, while he tries to zip it.  Clothing and other items were still half in and some half out. I thought I usually overpack but Jackson practically packs this entire mansion in his suitcase.

"Yea bye." I laugh has he flicks up a middle finger at me as Charlotte stays back to help them.

I walk into Silas's room which is my favorite room. He has a better view of the city than mine as well as a better bed.

His dark blue suitcase was open as he neatly packs his shirt on one side, separating his shirts from his pants.

Ezra walks out from his bathroom holding a toothbrush which I assume was his.

Ever since Ezra found out about our mini vacation, he practically was living with us. I'm not complaining since he kept making his delicious blueberry pancakes every morning, the type that makes you roll your eyes back.

"Don't forget to pack your toothbrush and toothpaste."

Silas rolls his eyes as he held a shirt in his hand. I never knew how muscular Silas had gotten since we were literally forced into the mafia.

"Yes boss," the sarcastic thick as my ass.

"Shut up, you forget everything." He points at Silas's direction with his toothbrush. "Name one,"

Ezra crosses his arms dramatically as he looks at Silas. "The time you forgot me at the bookstore and then you drove off-

"Woah woah, I said I was sorry."

"You still forgottt" Ezra teased him as Silas threw the shirt at him and missed by a second.

"You should pack my suitcase, I just shoved everything in and call that my shit."

"You finish packing?!"


As I look at the men's underwear pack in front of me I forgot I needed underwear. "See," Silas shakes his head and laughs.

"Also do you have anymore of your pancakes?!" I held on the door frame for the sake of me not falling and crack my buttcrack.

Get it?

Pull it together. I ended up sliding slowly down until I was on the floor. "Yes, if it wasn't for this one to eat the whole course meal."

"No regrets." He kisses Ezra and they started making out as I sat there awkwardly.

"Yea so, I'm going to, yea bye" I walked away from the whole scene in the room.

"Time to eat, time to eat, time toooo eat-"

I stop in my tracks as my mouth drops open. There stood in fucking front of me was Merikh eating MY blueberries- deliciousness- eye rolling- much fucking best thing to ever exist- pancakes.

I feel like if I tackle him right now, I would be able to win, hoping my mafia skills will pay off.

"Yea these are the last ones," he pushed a small piece of pancake in my mouth before eating again.

I felt like to dramatically fall against the wall and tumble down the stairs.

I couldn't get the idea of me seeing Brenda again out of my mind. It felt like the longest time period in my life, that and fucking math class. I'll be sitting in the corner minding my own business until Ms. Wish-she-had-a husband or something calls on me.

People piss me off. And thank God I'm out of school and into this shit.

I open the fridge studying what to eat. I wish this was my life crisis. But instead I'm stuck with this whole "mafia" shit.


As I clutch my chest running through the airport with the whole family, I realized I had forgotten my wallet in the chair I was sleeping in before I had a heart attack when Jackson woke me up.

"Shit!" I face palmed my face as I Merikh bumped into me from behind. "What?" Clearly annoyed as his eyebrows frowned.

I swear on someone's dead moms grave this man is going to age fast and have wrinkles all over his face before he hits mid-twenties.

"I forgot my wallet." I looked at everyone as they're jaws dropped. "You got to be fucking kidding me-" Jackson started but Mia interrupted him as she grabs my hand.

"Where?!" We ran straight into the direction we walked from.


"Let's go." I heard Mia come from behind me with a tissue wrinkled in her hand. Her nose was runny and red as she clutched her sweater on her. Her hair looked messy. In a way, she reminded me of a heroine addicted my father used to have drinks with.

I was relieved I founded my wallet but my stomach lurch once I saw Mia. It was clear she was crying. I stuffed my wallet in my bag before I held Mia.

"Are you ok?"

"Yea yea, rough day," she fake smiled while it dropped the minute she turned away to walk.

I held her tight as we walk back to meet the others.


A.N: For the past few weeks I've been dealing with stuff at home and my past builded up on me and was 10x worse.

Daily reminder: Everything is going to be ok!

Anyways, here's your free therapy baes.

Ooh also thank you so much everyone for 124k!! I love you all!!

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