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"I'm hungryyyy" Jackson whines like a five year old as we stood under a gas station. I pulled out my phone to check the time,

7: 27 A.M

After many rides, we were able to get somewhere.

"We're in the middle of fucking no where," Mia looks around. The sun is all ready blinding my fucking eyes so that's just amazing.

"I know this is really stupid to ask, but it's pretty clear everyone at least brought ten dollars right?" Jackson asked looking around at us who nodded in respond.

"Well we have three options."

"Number one, hitchhiking, number two, we get on a plane and fly to California,"

Yes he said California, after many arguments where we are heading for a "week" which sounds more like a month, some of us took a vote to stay in California for a week, while the rest of us didn't care.

"And last but not least number three, we die"

"That's not an option" Charlotte rolled her eyes.

While we were on the train, I got to know Charlotte, Jackson and Mia better. Charlotte came from a rich family, she goes to private school, her parents doesn't really care what she does, as long as she doesn't end up in jail.

Mia's parents were drug addicts and alcoholics. She met Charlotte in 8th grade while on her way home and they hit it off pretty well. Mia never turned to alcohol or any of that shit. Mostly because she doesn't want to take after her parents.

Jackson parents died in a car crash while he was five. He didn't say much about his past life and I wouldn't blame him, because I still haven't tell them what had happen at home.

We looked around until a black Range Rover with tinted windows pull up next to us.

"What the fuckkkkk-" Mia gasped.

"I thought the same thing" my jaw dropped as we giggled at our same reaction. Her hand went over my neck and pulled me next to her face and kissed my head.

"My bitches" she said while she reached for Charlotte's hand.

(Play: Way down We Go by KALEO)

A very tinted window roll down and a man who looked like a security, glared at us through his sunglasses.

"Get in." His accent was thick and deep.

"Fuck off." Charlotte said before looking at us and then back at the man.

"Your choice not mine."

The back doors open and a couple of men in black suits came out and grabbed each of our arms as we tried to fight them off.

I look to my right to see Merikh trying his best to punch one of the guys.

After those fucking assholes pushed us in the black car, they drove off.

Did no one just see that?!

"What the fuck is wrong with you people!" Mia shouted to the same guy in the passenger seat and the driver.

"Prepare yourselves," he turns around and glared at us, his eyes stopping on me. "Especially you little slut." He points in my direction.

"Excuse me, who-"

I got interrupted by a hand covering my mouth.

"Don't say a single word."

Rule number for all my ladies, never EVER let somebody slut shame you.


After about three damn hours in this congested ass car, they pull up in front of an airport.

"Yes boss, they're about to go on the plane."

What plane?

Literally two seconds later he said that, everyone without hesitation started shouting and disagreeing about that single sentence.

"Make a left." He spoke after hanging up the phone.

They drove up to a jet with other black vehicles surrounding the plane.

The man turns around and that's when I got his name from his name tag on his suit.


He nods at two other bodyguards who opened the door and shoved us out.

"Fuck you too" Charlotte was able to free her hand from one of the assholes. As she stuck up her middle finger at everyone, they pushed us into the plane.

The entire plane was filled with bodyguards in black suits, including Mattheo who sat in the front row.

"Sit." One with an other thick accent pointed at a seat in front of me.

"Don't tell me what to do." I grumbled out as I took the seat.

Next to me sat Mia and Charlotte and behind us sat Merikh, Silas, with Jackson.

During the flight, a asshole from behind grabbed my hair. I literally felt my eyes about to tear up but thats when I realized who did it.

"What" I turned back and looked straight at Merikh.

"Can I help you?" He asked sarcastically which was enough for me to jump over this damn seat and strangle him.

But no, I'll save it for an other day. I rolled my eyes and slumped back into the seat.

"My ass hurts." Mia looked at me and Charlotte with a pissed off reaction.

"Same here, I've been doing motherfucking squats every single day, just to flatten it out with a day." Charlotte rolled her eyes as me and Mia laugh at her.


After a few long hours later, that felt like an eternity, we finally landed. I looked out through the window at the city we're in. It was already night and everyone except the guards looked exhausted.

As they drag us out the plane and hurried us down the stairs to the ground, I looked around and just like before, black vehicles surrounded the plane.

I glared at one of the bodyguards who gazed at all of us, a cigarette dangling from his lips.

As he dropped the used cigarette to the ground, he stepped on it before walking towards us.

"You got us into this shit, you asshole." He gritted through his teeth as I look at Merikh with his jaw clench.

I scoffed and was about to say something back when one of the bodyguards stuffed my mouth with a thick cloth with a tight rope around my head to stay in place.

All of a sudden everything went pitch black.

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