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Chapter Ten: Goldstein- 1995

Hermione runs her hands through her girlfriend's hair who happens to be curled up next to her. Camila as been napping on Hermione's bed for the last hour, her head comfortably laying against Hermione's hip as she's propped up by pillows, reading her book.

Hermione glances down every so often and smiles when she hears Camila let out a light snore or moves around slightly.

The sound of Camila's watch alarm makes the girl groan and quickly shut it off. "No..." Camila groans, yawning loudly. She doesn't move from her spot on Hermione as she's far too comfortable.

Hermione shuts her book and sets it aside before scooting her body down so she's laying against the mattress more. Camila slowly inches up so her head is now just under Hermione's chin. "Can I say here all day?" She yawns again.

"Sadly no, you gotta meet the team." Hermione says quietly, planting a kiss on Camila's temple.

"I'm scaaaared." Camila whines tiredly before yawning yet again.

"You don't need to be." Hermione lets out a light chuckle. "You'll be great. It's just practice anyway my love."

Camila grumbles before very slowly rolling off of her very warm and very comfortable girlfriend. "Well fuck this shit." Camila says annoyed, looking up at the ceiling now. "Who cares about Quidditch." She yawns out.

"Okay, who took polyjuice potion and turned into my girlfriend?"

"You're right, quidditch is pretty cool." Camila yawns for a hundredth time it seems.

"Okay, you need to get up and wake up more." Hermione laughs and she slightly pushes the tired girl farther off the bed.

Camila hums before sitting up and swinging her legs off the bed. "Okay, I guess I'll see you later then." She says. Camila leans down and kisses Hermione a few times before leaving her room.

Ginny is already dressed to go practice at the pitch before try outs tomorrow when Camila enters her own dorm. Kate is sitting in the middle of her bed surrounded by books and papers working on homework per usual. Or at least that's what it appears to be.

"It must be here somewhere... I know I've seen it before... I just can't remember where..."

Camila stumbles back a little when Kate's voice fills her mind. Ginny looks over at her friend with a confused expression.

"Are you okay, Mills?" Ginny asks.

"I swear that girl trips over nothing all the time and yet she's got reflexes like no other."

Camila looks at Ginny with a slightly crazed look as she now heard what Ginny said.Camila says nothing, she just looks at both of her friends before rushing to find some quidditch practice clothes.

"Come on, let's go." Camila says lowly, leaving the room five minutes later with her robes on and her nimbus 2001 slung over her shoulder.

"What was that about back there?" Ginny asks quickly ask they move along the staircases.

"Nothing, what do you mean?" Camila plays dumb.

"You... you looked bothered. I don't know." Ginny mumbles.

"Just still a bit tired, I was napping before I came to our room. Now come on, let's focus on quidditch, do you wanna make the team or not?" Camila smiles, nudging Ginny's shoulder.

Once they get outside, they both mound their brooms and take off towards the pitch. Camila just barley beats Ginny there and does a victory lap around the field.

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