Beetles Ruin Lives

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Chapter Twenty One- Beetles Ruin Lives- 1996

"Happy Valentine's Day, Baby." Camila smiles, entering Hermione's room.

Hermione laughs. "What happened to hating Valentine's Day, Miss 'wearing red converse and a red t-shirt?"

Camila rolls her eyes. "Would you just take the bloody chocolates?" She says flatly.

Hermione shakes her head and walks across the wooden floors before taking the box of chocolates before kissing Camila, lightly nipping at her bottom lip when she pulls away. "You're impossible, you know that?" Hermione says close up to her face. 

"Mmhmm, you've told me once or twice." Camila walks farther into the room and sits at Hermione's desk chair and fiddles with her quill while Hermione throws her earrings on and sprays her perfume on that smells of berries, tea leaves, vanilla and amber.

Camila sighs in a dreamy manner as she takes a big inhale to smell the perfume more. "My favorite scent on earth."

Hermione smiles, tying up her white Nike Blazer Mid-77's. "I got something for you as well, Love." Hermione says as she ties up her hair in a ponytail, leaving some of her curly strands loose to frame her face.

"Oh?" Camila perks up. "I like presents."

"Really?" Hermione says sarcastically. She goes over to her bedside table and picks up a gift bag before handing it to Camila.

Camila reveals a gold chained necklace with an amethyst stone. "Holy shit, this a beautiful. Aw, you got my birth stone!" Camila says brightly at the purple jewel.

Hermione smiles and nods. "Here, turn around." Camila moves her long hair and turns for Hermione. Hermione unclasps the necklace and places in on Camila.

"You know... my birthday was five days ago, you didn't have to get me anything big!" Camila protests.

"I know your birthday was five days ago, but I wanted to get you this. But also... the stone is enchanted." Hermione continues, turning Camila back around by her shoulders.

"Ah I seem to run into a lot of enchanted jewels in my life. Anyway... continue."

"I enchanted it so the stone can send messages back and forth to my bracelet." Hermione holds up a gold chained bracelet with small blue sapphires.

"Wait really? How?" Camila asks curiously.

"Like this." Hermione gently reaches out for the amethyst stone. "You just give the center of the stone some pressure like this." Hermione does as such and they both see the stone glow. "Now you just trace along the stone as if you're writing. Like I'll just say hi." Hermione traces the letters across the stone. "And now you just press into the stone again and..." Hermione sends the message and then they both see her bracelet glow blue from the sapphires.

"You're a wonderful genius." Camila gushes. "Is there anything you don't know how to do?"

"Obviously I already had my bracelet but I wanted to get you something too, I just think these will come in handy at some point..." Camila nods, sympathizing with Hermione's fears about their near future regarding Voldemort and his death eaters.

"Wait, what if someone takes the necklace from me and tries sending you a false message that will be a trap to your death?" Camila panics.

Hermione shakes her head and smiles softly. "My bracelet will alert me if it's someone, I've enchanted the stones to recognize our DNA."

"But... the stone doesn't draw blood..?"

"I know, but it's scanning our blood cells through our skin. It's similar to an x-ray."

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