He's Back... Well He's Been Back and Fudge is an Idiot

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Chapter Twenty Seven: He's Back... Well He's been Back and Fudge is an Idiot- 1996

Camila's eyes flicker open, looking directly in the sunlight streaming through the large window. She groans and turns her head away, wanting to hide in her pillow.

"Look who's finally awake!" Ron says loudly, bits of chocolate spluttering out of his full mouth.

Hermione looks over the newspaper she was reading and looks to the bed next to her. "Oh Darling!" Hermione says brightly, quickly moving off her bed. Camila moves herself over a little for Hermione to have room.

Hermione sits crosslegged, facing Camila. She leans down and give Camila a soft hug and kisses her forehead before sitting up again,

"So... what's happening?" Camila says confused. "What day is it? What time is it? Is everyone alive?"

"Well... everyone but Sirius." Hermione sighs, looking at her hands.

Camila's eyes widen as she remember's the events. "Oh right..." Camila looks around the room and sees everyone else peacefully sleeping. "Is Harry not here?"

Hermione shakes her head. "He's with Dumbledore. You'll probably have to go talk in a bit too. But it's been about twenty hours since we left for London yesterday."

Camila shakes her head. "A lot can happen in twenty hours, huh?"

"I'd bloody say." Ron says across the room, still munching down in chocolates.

"You might want to take a look at this." Hermione hands over the Daily Prophet.

You-Know-Who has Returned

Minister Fudge has a statement to make. "I regrettably inform the Wizarding community that Lord- you know... is back. He was scene just hours ago in our very own Ministry. Harry Potter and other students of Hogwarts were also here last night, fending off Death Eaters. It seems that the Dark- thingy has persuaded the dementors to his side for now."

"What a fucking nutcase." Camila rolls her eyes. "He's taking no responsibility in his negligence towards Harry and Dumbledore's warnings."

"I know..." Hermione sighs. "How are you?"

"Pretty sore."

"Well Dear, you came here with a broken nose, a fractured leg, and about a million other injuries." Madam Pomfrey says from her office.

"Hermione... I uhhh, I met someone there." Camila says vaguely.

"Oh? Who?"

"I think she's a Death Eater? Well either way she was working with them, but she is the one I kept seeing in my visions."

"You mean the girl who you believed was you?" Hermione asked.

Camila nods her head. "She looks exactly like me, Mione..." Camila bites her lip. "I can't help but think she's my sister."

Hermione thinks. "Is that even possible?"

Camila shrugs. "Maybe... I'll have to talk to my parents when I get home for break."

"Does this bother you at all? You're acting very casual about this..."

"Mmm, maybe? I don't know. We were fighting to the death though. Not very sisterly if you ask me."

Hermione widens her eyes and shakes her head. "I don't lie the thought of you fighting for your life."

Camila laughs a little. "Girl, what do you think we were all doing there?"

"I know but..."

"You missed most of it though. You gave me a fucking heart attack when that Death Eater hit you with the purple fire." Camila frowns.

Hermione reaches out and grabs Camila's hand and gives it a squeeze. "I'm okay. Harry isn't doing well though. He's very torn up over Sirius. He's angry at Dumbledore."

"Don't blame him. Dumbledore likes to keep shit to himself that he should be telling us." Camila rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"There is good news, Umbridge resigned." Hermione smiles.




A few hours pass in the Hospital Wing. Everyone has finally woken up, Ginny has a bandage around her mending ankle, Luna has some bangages on her face, Ron and Camila are wrapped up in bandages from the tentacle incident, but the others look fairly normal, there are just a few crapes and bruises.

However when everyone went to stand to go to dinner, there was a collective groan among everyone. "Didn't know you could be this sore, holy shit." Ramisa complains.

"Crashing into walls and desks and book cases tends to make the body hurt." Kate says matter-of-factly.

Camila can barely stand up straight, so Hermione gets by her side. Camila reaches out for Ginny as well. Everyone ends up linking together to support each other as they limp out of the wing.

"We're a mess." Owyn laughs. "A very hungry mess."

"You know what I just realized.... We still have finals." Camila says sadly, looking at everyone but Hermione and Ron.

"Can we get excluded? We just helped save the Wizarding World last night." Owyn points out.

"You know Snape won't let anyone miss his exam, even if you had an arm missing." Camila says.

"Well it's been good lads, another hellish year at Hoggy Wash." Ramisa fist bumps Owyn.

"Can we agree to have a normal year next year?" Ginny asks.

"Normal with us? Not likely." Camila smiles before being the first to enter the Great Hall. 

The floating candles shined down on the glorious feast. Some people made a fuss over the group as they walked to their seats, shouting out questions about their trip to the Ministry.  

"So what are we celebrities now or something?" Ron says once they sit down. 

"Hey! We saw who got arrested and one of them looks like you!" A random girl from Ravenclaw shouts at Camila, who widens her eyes at the comment. "Do you have anything to say about that?" 

Camila looks around the Great Hall and sees everyone waiting for a response. Hermione holds her hand under the table and is about to tell everyone to fuck off, but Camila clears her throat. "I've never seen her before in my life. It must be a coincidence ." More people start talking but McGonagall stands up from the staff table.

"That's quite enough! Let the girl breathe! Back to your seats!" 

Camila smiles up gratefully at the professor before spooning food to her plate. "Yeah as I said, we don't get normal." Camila tells her group of friends.

Hermione leans down and kisses her cheek. "At least we will have a summer to relax. We ought to make this summer the best one."

"I vote sleepovers at Camila's! She has a boat!" Owyn smiles excitedly. 

Camila smiles back and nods. "For sure, you all are invited. Even Harry, wherever he is." 

"Yes! Summer here we come!" Ginny laughs. 

 To Be Continued...

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