Quidditch and a Pink Bitch

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Chapter Sixteen: Quidditch and a Pink Bitch- 1995

The much anticipated Gryffindor verse Slytherin game was only five days away. There was an  energy shift within the school, high tension and rivalry was felt everywhere.

Camila had just gotten out of her Herbology lessons, and on hway to lunch with her friends, when a group of seventh year Slytherin's came barreling down the corridor towards her. One of the guys nudged her so hard, she stumbled into the wall.

"You got your hospital bed booked for Saturday, Goldstein.' Another one sneers at her.

"Crabbe is going to have fun sending you flying off your broom. Another says. Before Camila or her friends could try and say anything or do anything back, the group of boys quickly run down the hall laughing.

"What the hell just happened?" Ginny is the first to say anything.

Camila still has her back against the wall as she looks at her fiends with a frightened look. "So this is what this week is going to be like, huh?" She gets herself off the wall before heading to the dining hall.

"Bloody hell, I'd be terrified to be you this week. You're young new flesh for them to scare, Camila." Ramisa points out. "Slytherin's have always been known to intimate and push around other house teams the week before the game."

"Honestly, I'm more scared to have my parents here this weekend." She mumbles.

"What? Why?" Owyn says confused.

"Because I um... I want to tell them about me and Hermione."

"They don't know?" Kate asks shocked.

"No... they don't, Cuppy. They don't even know I'm gay."

"But Mills, they like Hermione." Ginny says reassuringly.

"Yeah as a friend of mine, not my bloody girlfriend. But I also don't want to hide it so I think I'm going to tell them before the game so it won't be on my mind during it."

"Does Hermione know?" Owyn questions.

"Nope." Camila sighs. "I haven't exactly told her my plan yet."

When the group of fourth years enter the hall, the Slytherin table all stare at Camila. "There's the little fourth year! She's going to get killed on Saturday!" One shouts.

"You're going to be squashed like a little bug!"

"Is this really what I'm going to have to hear all week?" Camila says bored. "I can't wait to show them all up and knock them off their brooms."

"Ah the Mila we all know and love." Ramisa ruffles her hair. The Ravenclaw's head to their table for lunch while Kate, Ginny and Camila go to the Gryffindor table.

"You too, huh?" Ron says in an unnaturally high voice.

"What?" Camila says confused.

"Ron is all upset about comments Slytherin's have been throwing at him today." Harry says, not looking up from his food.

"Comments? No, threats is more like it." Ron stresses with a voice crack.

"Just ignore them, both of you." Hermione sighs. "It's all a lot of talk, isn't that right, Harry?"

Harry nods. "Yeah, they aren't as scary on the pitch. They try, but they end up too focused on trying to knock us off our brooms than the actual game."

"Oh, well that's comforting. I better tape myself to my broom so I don't fall off." Camila says sarcastically. She rubs her shoulder where in collided with the wall. "Some stupid seventh years slammed me into a wall after Herbology."

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