Chapter Four

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My eyes slowly opened revealing my bedroom ceiling. I began to squint my eyes because of the bright sun beaming through my bedroom window. I jumped out of bed and aggressively shut my white lacy curtains.

I ran over to my closet to find an outfit to wear. I quickly grabbed my light blue mom jeans, another white cropped tank top and lastly a flannel.

I was about to brush my hair til my phone rang

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I was about to brush my hair til my phone rang. I ran over to my nightstand and grabbed the phone, my cord was twisted so I struggled to hold it up to my ear without leaning toward the plug. "Who's this?" I asked.

"It's Charlotte, good thing you're up. Jacky and I are wanting to go to the mall, you wanna come?"

"Shit, I can't. I'm sorry, I'm getting ready to go to the sandlot to play baseball with Benny and his friends."

"Fuck I forgot about that!" Charlotte groaned, "Okay well have fun, me and Jacky are going to find a cute outfit for you meanwhile."

"No Charlotte you don't have-" The other end of the line hung up so I put the phone back onto it's rest and continued to get ready.

After I finished getting ready I grabbed my glove and began to head out the house.

"Where the hell are you going Rowan?" Someone said before I opened the front door. I turned around to see Jordan with his arms folded, "I swear if you're going to go play with Rodriguez, I'll kill him."

I rolled my eyes, "Bud out my business Jordan. You have no right to embarrass me by saying I suck at baseball and that you wished you didn't let me play with you, to just tell me I can't play with someone else."

"Whatever, you and Rodriguez a thing now or what?"

"What?! Where the hell did you get that from?!"

"You act like nobody could see the way you were looking at him when he stood up for you yesterday."

"That doesn't mean we're a thing! Leave me alone for once!" I stormed out of the house and stole my brother's bike to go to the sandlot.

The sandlot was far from where I lived so might as well.

I decided to go to the drug store real quick because I was really thirsty and wanted a coke. I ran inside and got one then left out the back of the store. Oddly enough, that's where the sandlot boys were.

"Hey." I stated walking towards them as I opened my can of coke.

"Hey Rowan!" Smiled the small blonde boy.

I didn't know any of these guys so I hoped Benny would at least introduce me to them. Benny was sitting down on a crate so he got up.

"Okay everybody, y'all know Rowan Phillips." Benny announced and the whole group of boys stood up, "That's Timmy and Tommy Timmons, Mike 'Squints' Palledorous, Alan McLennan, we call him Yeah-yeah, Bertram Grover Weeks, Kenny DeNunez, and Hamilton Porter. We call him Ham." Each time one of the boys names got stated, they spit onto the ground which made me cringe, but I pushed it to the side.

* * * *

"I still don't get why you invited her Benny." I heard Bertram whisper.

I walked behind the whole group.

"I already told ya' man, she's got talent." Defended Benny, "Plus with Tommy's broken foot she now makes nine."

It made me feel somewhat better that Benny was defending me.

"Yeah-yeah so would my sister, but I didn't bring her." Yeah-yeah barged into the conversation.

"Nine of us makes a whole team Yeah-yeah."

"No!" DeNunez disagreed, "Tommy made us a whole team, he just broke his foot and it's only temporary!"

"So what?! When Tommy's foot get's better at least we'll have more than enough for a team just in case."

"Face it man." Squints said, "Put her talent aside, she's a girl. In the long run she'll be no use."

"Base up you blockheads!" Demanded Benny. He walked over to me, "I'm sorry about these idiots, I'm sure you can prove to them you got game."

"They already know I got game Benny." I responded, "The only problem is y'all got dicks and I don't."

"And they are dicks with no common sense, I'm not necessarily. So put the differences aside." He handed me the bat, "You bat first Phillips." He slapped my shoulder lightly and walked toward the diamond.

So I jogged to home base so I could batter up.

* * * *

I had a lot of fun playing with these guys, and boy were they good. Even though I got a couple of sexist comments from them every now and then, at least I had Benny to tell them to shut up.

After a long time I had to take a break, So I headed to the dugout to grab some Pop from the cooler. Smalls ended up already grabbing some so he handed me a can. "Thanks Smalls." I said as I took the Pop from his hand.

"I'm sorry about how rude the guys are." Stated Smalls, "They were like that with me at first too, but it was worse."

"How was it worse?" I asked taking a sip of the Pop.

"They would call me names like an L7 weenie, I mean they're easier on you because you're actually good. I was terrible at first."

I chuckled a little at the fact they called him an "L7 weenie."

"Well at least they've accepted you now." I claimed.

"I'm sure they'll accept you too, you're really cool to be honest."

I smiled, "Thanks Smalls." I bumped his shoulder in a friendly way then left the dugout.

Word Count: 956

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